So I'am playing Drake2 for the 4th time. Chapter 4 "Dig Site" I kill the first 4 guys and it goes to a cut secen where Drake finds all the info on Marco Polo and scully tells him the bad guys are comming. The game goes to Drake bending down saying " Great, grenades, this will come in handy" or something like that. Then the game goes on to tell u how to throw them. well here is the problem I'am having. when drake says his line about the grenades , where he is looking at are NO GRENADES, there are two boxes and when the game tells you how to throw them, (hold L1, tap R2) and NOTHING happens. the screen remains the same and i cant do anything. I thought i had this problem the second time I played and got around it but cant remember how. Anyway, i think i have a bad disc so i go to Block buster and rent the game to see what happens and....YES THE SAME THING. so what are the odds that 2 games would go bad at the same place. no other games are haveing problems but I will say i was watching a movie (funny people) and in chapter 8 it froze, could not get it working so i took it back to BB and they replaced it and...YES SAME place it fr4oze, however after a few seconds it went on and played out. So has anyone herd of a hardware problem like this???
thanks for your time
thanks for your time