942 Problems


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 3, 2005
Just received our 4th 942. I'm getting very uhappy with Dish. These 942s
just reboot for no reason and last week 2 times during one of our favorite
shows. As for as I'm concered they can just keep sending them every time
we have a problem. It's going to cost them a lot more to keep replacing
them than it would to just replace it with a 622. I'm not paying even 1 dollar
for an upgrade when I have had nothing but problems for 8 months. Also they l
ied to me said I would get my locals in HD on the 942. Now they say I have to
spend more mone to get them. Shame on them for takeing atvantage of a couple
of old people. They are just crooks and some of them are just plain rude too.
Just 10 more months and I can get rid of this junk and get cable. At least they
upgrade you when something new comes out.

DISH SCREW YOU, WE'RE FROM TEXAS!!!! We don't do business that way.

If I was younger I'd go kick Charlie's Ass! I'm PISSED OFF can ya tell:mad:
Good luck on getting an HD DVR cable box that works. . . My 942 is working great! My 622 is decent, but not great.
I bet it's heat related. You're probably killing 942's by not letting them breathe properly.

Need to raise them up 1/2" or so with fake feet. and make sure they are in an open shelf with no other heat producing components with at least 4"- 5" of clearance on the top and sides.

how to record one show & watch another on 622

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