922 gone off the deep end


Too many cables
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 25, 2003
Norman, OK
I do not know what is going on with my 922 at the moment. It must be something in the online guide. It is recording shows it should not record. It shows 11 shows to be recorded today, when 1 is the correct answer. Sure enough it is recording them. I rebooted 2x but it still insists it is going to record them. Some of them are shows I have timers for (but they are repeats and should not record), others are shows I do not have have a set timer.

Oh well, I just keep deleting them. This started around 9pm last night (Central).
Delete the timer and start over and make sure you didn't select All and New episodes when you set the timer.

The only problem is that it is recording shows I do not have any timers for too. If it was just one timer misfiring I would assume it was a bad timer. But, it seems to be picking random shows to record. Looking through the to do list it has all sorts of shows it wants to record, just a few of them have timers. When I get home from work I will probably try a check switch to see if it will reload the guide.

The guide must have gotten corrupted in memory or something. The shows in the schedule list say no description available. But when I scroll over them in the list it gives the show name and description. It is just all corrupted somehow.

I have about 70 timers atm. They all list as "new". I have not added any timers in a couple weeks. So, I do not think it is a timer creation problem, but a memory corruption problem.
I'm new to the 922 so I don't know too much, but when you did the reboots did you hit the red button or did you unplug it and let it sit for about 10 minutes or so? That can usually cure some weird problems.
I did the red button, and unplugged it a while too (not 10 minutes, but a couple minutes, long enough to do a couple other things and come back). Plus it did its nightly reboot.

I think that any show it does not think it has info on it is recording by default. Hence all the no information in the schedule instead of program names. It seems to be mostly SyFy and HBO.
Well after 11 crazy recording selections, the guide data (or whatever else messed up) seems to have corrected itself and the schedule cleared up to normal.

It is now just back to missing recording. It still misses recordings. Tonight I turned it on (it was in standby) and it showed it was recording "Burn Notice" in the guide. But "Burn Notice" was not in the DVR list. I do not know where it was stashing the bits, but it behaved like it was doing the recording.

The 922 really needs a lot of bug fixes. Last week it recorded the 3 minutes of the next hour after the timer it was supposed to record (it skipped the actual program for some reason and just the 3 minutes extra padding got recorded). It did that twice. This week it went crazy as mentioned above, and has missed 2 timers already, including the one I caught tonight where it said it was recording (red dot in guide) but never making the DVR list.
Try this.

Get a priest and some holy water and then a cross and go up into the room with the 922 and say : IN the name of JESUS I cast you out Satan!!!:p
Try this.

Get a priest and some holy water and then a cross and go up into the room with the 922 and say : The power of Christ compels you!!:p
I doubt it is the devil's child. But, I am getting frustrated waiting on Dish to release fixes. A unit that was in test for 2 years, a large beta, and still after all this time it cannot perform its primary function correctly... Reliably record shows! It is not a revolutionary new device. Dish had (well I thought) perfected this technology years ago. The 622s manage to reliably record everything since they rolled out, followed by the 722s.

Its second function Sling is buggy and has a lot of trouble too. I can forgive this one since it is indeed a new function and I expect it to be ironed out. Restarting the application can usually fix most problems. Maybe having to wait a few minutes for it to time out will fix it too.

I just want it to be as reliable as the older receivers in recording shows. Then work out the bugs in everything else (and yes there are a lot of bugs, they are not hard to find).
Sorry. Just trying to get a laugh out of you . I know that the 922 is trying at times. But I have invested another $400.00 in to this receiver since I traded in my old 622 for it to an online retailer to buy this one. I have to try to make it work. I am hoping , wishing and praying that the 922 will be a good stable receiver with some useful features, at least by the fall when the new season starts.

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