921 Playback weirdness


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Eastern Connecticut
I recorded a movie with the 921, the first thing I ever tried to record. It actually worked! There is was in the PVR list. I played it back and it looked great. I have had a 721 since they first came out, so I am very familiar with the Dish DVR and how they work.

Anyway, into the film, I scanned backwards to a part of the concert that I wanted to see again, pressed PLAY, and the playback started at the beginning of the recording session instead of where I scanned to. I tried this a ton of times, and it kept doing the same thing, returning to the start of the recording, no matter where I fast forwarded or rewound (visually)

The only way I could get it to work was to press STOP, then select resume from the menu.

Is this a known problem? Or am I just lucky?

I've watched a number of recorded events over the last 2 weeks that I've had my 921, and haven't had any problem going forward, backward, or using the skip functions (except that its size based, so HD skip is more like 2 secs back and 6 sec forward)... but I haven't had that happen on any of them, regardless of SAT, SAT HD or OTA HD.

OTA PQ when connected to 811

saving a recording?

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