Hitachi 43FWX20B hooked to a E* 921, a D* Samsung Sir 360 a Replay 5504 upgraded to 80 gigs and a Panasonic E30 dvd Recorder, Samsung 4x3 in one camper currently hooked to a Phillps divx capable dvd player(take 6000u with me camping)and an X1 hooked to a E*6000u and a P4 3 gig pc, a Replay 5xxx upgraded to 200 gigs and a Panny dvd player... other camper has Apex 20"flatscreen sd set with a Replay 5xxx upgraded to 290 gigs a E*sd 2700 box a D* hughes sd d1 box and a cyberhome dvd player... I'm tv and dvd player poor ...Note the Cyberhome and Phillips dvd players were bought for compatability with dvd dl discs...and all the Replays are networked with 3 pcs. and I have 5.1 sound in the Livingroom and Ht room and can hook up 2.0 sound in both campers.