722 Playback Over Error 04


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 14, 2005
Northern California
I watched the first 30min of the Raiders vs Broncos game live then hit record. So today I went to watch the recording and it won't play back at all. It just gives this error immediately when I access the show. Is there any way to "rebuild" the data, or is it a lost cause?

The one time when I saw this message, a front panel reset fixed the problem. I was then able to watch my program with no difficulties. Hope this helps.
Got another Error 04. This time an off air antenna channel. The verbage is a little different this time it says- A problem was encountered when opening the files for this DVR envent Error 04.
I had that happen with "Legend of the Seeker" a couple weeks ago. Wound up having to use torrent to watch the episode.

newb question on ViP222 hd reciever...please help

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