721 USB Port


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Original poster
Apr 12, 2004
Can the USB port on the 721 be used to access its HDD as an external mass storage device from a notebook.
rokweiller said:
Can the USB port on the 721 be used to access its HDD as an external mass storage device from a notebook.

No. The most you can do with it is hook a USB keyboard up to it. The hard drives in the 721 are standard IDE drives.
rokweiller said:
Can the USB port on the 721 be used to access its HDD as an external mass storage device from a notebook.
Not right out of the box you can't.
seem to remember that someone successfully networked a 721 using the USB port. In theory, you could then use the 721 for remote storage, but who knows what kind of troubles it would cause
Has anyone documented what the keystrokes do? I'm experimenting with an el-cheapo "Micro Innovations" wireless keyboard/mouse combo connected to the usb port, some of the keys seem to correspond to remote buttons, it works good for the search feature and the mouse appears to work only in the guide. One downside I've noticed is that the 721 seems to get real sluggish and has spontaneously rebooted a couple of times.

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UPDATED (10/01/03) - 721 With A USB Keyboard - Please Add!

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