721 Automatic Timer Adjust?


New Member
Original poster
Jan 21, 2004
I know this is a basic question but I have been too chicken to try this out on my own. Realizing that the Dish DVRs are timer based and not name based I have set my timers to twice the length of the normal episode so that I don't miss special double-length episodes like season finales, etc. Does anyone here know if the PVR-721 might happen to recognize that the timer will finish before the program listed in the guide and automatically extend it on those occasions? If so, I could save a lot of drive space and fall back to recording normal lengths.

Nope - that would be "name based recording" versus our timer based. Still hopeful that it will be included in a new version of software someday...
Nope, the 721 is just a VCR that saves to a hard drive.

There is no program logic in the unit to note start and end times for shows.

These program based timers have been the most requested feature on all the Echostar DVR's.
I would think for Dish it would take quite a few software updates to get name based recording working unless they used the Tivo software and paid the fees . History of software updates with Dish creates more problems then they fix sometimes. Our best hope is that Dish will settle with Tivo and liscense the software or Charlie will buy Tivo and use it anyway.

E* Locals

My less than two weeks old 811 died...

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