622 recordings fail to start


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 27, 2006
This has happened with at least four recordings from the four majors of the new fall shows.

I press play and the screen goes to black and stays that way. The only way to get the show started is with the SKIP FWD button. The FWD and BACK buttons bring up the bottom time bar but the time doesn't change and the yellow location mark doesn't move either. This is 100% repeatable by rewinding to the beginning or selecting the start over button on the DVR Event screen.

These have all been HD recordings and the SD recordings have never done this.

The shows were all on 119 which has a low signal. The 622 was running 443 when the recordings were made and it is running 444 now.

Anybody seen this? Any answers? Guesses?
I have had this happen once when skipping through commercials on an HD OTA recording. It was almost like it was 'stuck'. Skipping forward again remedied the situation. I haven't had it happen more that this one time, though.
I have seen this recently on my 722 on HD recordings. We have to skip forward to get the recordings to work, also we have seen the black screen. At first I thought the TV shut off.
Same thing has been happening on my 622 for over a week now.
It is running software L445RBDD-N. Doesn't seem to be damaging anything but it is very annoying to have to fast forward or hit the jump 30 second button every time.
Well so far three of us have the same problem.

I don't think that's enough to have the Dish programmers pulling "all nighters" until the problem is solved.

Our only hope is more will see this thread and post if they have the same problem.
Same Problem On My 622

Well so far three of us have the same problem.

I don't think that's enough to have the Dish programmers pulling "all nighters" until the problem is solved.

Our only hope is more will see this thread and post if they have the same problem.

I have seen this problem a couple of times in the past week on my 622. Initiating playback produced a black screen with no sound. After a minute of nothing I hit the "skip 30 seconds" button & the program started.

I have had to do this only 2 or 3 times out of a couple of dozen recordings. Most of the time everything works as it should.
I have had to do this only 2 or 3 times out of a couple of dozen recordings. Most of the time everything works as it should.
All the same thanks for the post.

Are you reading this Dish tech? We are NOT crazy. There is a bug in the software.
Same here - it's happened a few times in the last 2 weeks. Nothing appears to be lost but you can sit there for minutes and nothing will auto-start - just black screen - until you press 'Skip Forward' or Fast Forward.
I had another one last night. One thing I verified: If you rewind to the beginning the same thing happens. I did delete the show after I watched because I'm strapped for space but next time I'll save it to the EHD and see if moving and/or copying changes anything.
In my case I haven't had it happen with OTA recordings but it has always been an HD recording from my locals carried by Dish.

Suggestions for getting 61.5

My 625 has been shutting off at 1:30 Pm Est.