622 - Edit Timer Question


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jul 21, 2006
Pojoaque, NM
I have timers set up to record "New" Heroes and "New" Studio 60. What is happening is that the last 30 seconds or so of Heroes is ending up on the beginning of my Studio 60 recordings. This usually hasn't been a problem for me, until now. I have been keeping up with watching Studio 60 (and I delete the recording after watching it), but I now have 3 episodes of Heroes and the last 30 seconds of the shows are missing...

So... I thought I'd edit my timer for Studio 60 so that it doesn't start one minute early. However, when I go in to edit that timer, I don't see a way to change that option. Is there a way to change the Start Early and End Late options on timers that are set up for "New" shows? Or do I need to delete the timer and recreate it to reflect my changes?
NBC extended Heroes by about 1 minute Monday night, but Studio 60 ended on time. ABC is also known to tinker with show's start and end times to tweak people who time shift with DVR's and VCR's.
I set up a manual recording when both shows are on the same channel. One recording to include both shows. I don't lose any small part this way. You can either use the options to extend the first program or set manual timer for the full two hours.

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