6000 and superdish



Original poster
Will the 6000 work with superdish?
I'd like to get the hd off 105 when available as I can't see 148 or 61.5

I'll need to wait for the 811, but would take the 6000 deal if it'll pick up 105 with superdish.
You need a legacy adaptor for the 6000 to work. Some had said you get an adaptor when they install superdish if you have a 6000. The 811 does not require an adaptor.
And International?

Scott Greczkowski said:
There will be no HD on 105, as they dropped those plans for now.

SuperDISH is now only for locals.

Also for intenational channels, right?

I was told today that I have to wait until the Superdish is available (2 weeks?) if I want to avoid having multiple dishes for SD, HD, local and international channels. Did I understand this correctly?

I plan to hook it to a 811 and a 522.


811 local channel capability

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