522 Losing channel info


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Mar 5, 2004
State College, PA
My 522 keeps losing it's channel info. Maybe once a week or so, when I turn it on, i get a black screen. when i go to the guide screen i only see my 4 local channels, and nothing else, and even those will not tune in. I go to the set up screens, and to point dish, and then go back. it will show the acquiring satellite screen, and then everything comes back. is anyone else seeing this? is there a way to stop it?

I missed the finale of '24' because of it!!!!

Soft reboot one time per week to avoid that. We have a saying in the programming world.. "Garbage in - Garbage out" Dish programmers seem to be kings of garbage..
cheezwiz said:
Soft reboot one time per week to avoid that. We have a saying in the programming world.. "Garbage in - Garbage out" Dish programmers seem to be kings of garbage..
Quick question (still waiting for my installation): If you do a soft reboot, or unplug the unit, will it forget all recording events you have programmed? If I book a show 3 weeks in advance, and reboot or do a hard power down and power up, will my event be deleted? Thanks.
Wishbone said:
Quick question (still waiting for my installation): If you do a soft reboot, or unplug the unit, will it forget all recording events you have programmed? If I book a show 3 weeks in advance, and reboot or do a hard power down and power up, will my event be deleted? Thanks.
No, and no - both will be retained - with the caveat that these boxes ain't perfect and disasterous failures can (and have) occurred. It's rare, tho - don't worry about it.
Wishbone said:
Quick question (still waiting for my installation): If you do a soft reboot, or unplug the unit, will it forget all recording events you have programmed? If I book a show 3 weeks in advance, and reboot or do a hard power down and power up, will my event be deleted? Thanks.

The 522 only has a week guide so you can't book a show 3 weeks in advance. :confused:
SimpleSimon said:
LOL - I missed the 3 weeks out part of the post.

However, why couldn't you do a one-time event by date?
you can and my 522 hAS NEEDED REBooting the last 3 morns so get used to it for now

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