522, How many cables


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 18, 2003
Thinking of getting a 522, here is my question. The place where I want to put it has one cable run from a SuperDish. Can I use a splitter on that cable and use all the functions of the 522, or do I have to run another cable?
You will have to run another cable to the 522 since there are two tuners. The new DP44 switch(when it will be released is anyones guess) is supposed to fix this issue and allow one line to be spilt I believe. Correct me if I am wrong people.
Yes, that is what the new DP44 switch is supposed to do. It would be nice if they had the splitter built into the switch. I have heard that they have a DP adapter built into the switch to where it will work with legacy receivers.
Stargazer said:
Yes, that is what the new DP44 switch is supposed to do. It would be nice if they had the splitter built into the switch. I have heard that they have a DP adapter built into the switch to where it will work with legacy receivers.
As usual DISH has the cart before the horse. The 322/522 should not have been released until they had the Dish Pro Plus system ready for the market place. Or they should have copied DirecTiVo and designed the receiver to work with only 1 tuner connected so you could upgrade at a later time to use both tuners. The only promise so far on the Dish Pro Plus is they hope to have it ready for release in the Second Quarter that goes all the way to the 30th of June under normal procedures. As of Feb.1st DISH is starting the Q1 promotions and they continue till June 30,2004 so does that mean 2nd Quarter for DISH starts July 1st?

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