522 DVR Question


Original poster
Feb 26, 2004

I just ordered the following DishNetwork setup

811 HD Receiver
522 DVR Receiver
301 Receiver

I am hooking up the 522 to 1 tv in my bedroom.

My question is - I currently have a TIVO and love it. How similar is the DVR to a TIVO? Can you choose a program --- ie Survivor and have the machine automatically record a season pass for you? If the time slot for a show changes does the DVR automatically adjust for this? Does the DVR record shows for you that it thinks you may like based on viewing habits?

Thanks! I have to wait until March 9th for my install.
If the 522 is like a vcr, it makes the Tivo look like the computer system for the Starship Enterprise.

Dish Network PVR's are time based for their recordings. So they can record Thursday at 7pm for an hour, but if survivor moves to 8pm, you're gonna miss it if you don't change your timer. And it isn't going to suggest anything.

You'll likely go into a bit of withdrawl when switching.
Name-based recording is to be added to all Dish DVR receivers sometime "mid-year." No word on whether that includes something similar to Suggestions.
The 522 is so inferior to the DirecTiVo it dosen't even deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence. The DISH DVR 510 is a better receiver than the 522, DISH needs to correct the software on the 522 and the worst thing is most of there improved software has more bugs than the software it replaces. Read posts on the latest 921 the new software seems to have more complaints than the old version. They have been working on the 811 software, it dosen't seem to be getting better.
why did you change from direct tv tivo to dish network? - just curious because i'm thinking of changing to direct tv.
You might want to read a lot on this forum instead of listening to these idiots. The 522 is a great receiver and just today it received new software to allow single mode, which means you can use both tuners on on a single tv, or have each tuner go out to a seperate TV. Can the TIVO do that that? CAN IT?!

The 522 will receive another software update before the end of the year to do exactly what you mention, it'll let you record all Survivor episodes by just inputting the name in. Believe me, you won't be disappointed with a 522. The worst thing about it right now is that it's a little buggy, but it will be the best DVR out there in time. Go for it.
I don't think you'll be unhappy with the DVR522 either.

But, currently, it doesn't have a ""Season Pass," per se. You choose a program for a timer and you have the options of one-time event, every day, every week, or Mon-Fri.

You would probably choose "every week" but, yeah, for now, it's up to you to delete the timer when the season ends and you may see some other shows recorded instead if the show you want is pre-empted for any reason. You need to keep your eye on changes in the time slots on major networks and reprogram the timers if necessary.

The 522 is scheduled to be the 1st DISH DVR to be upgraded via SW download to NBR. They're talking about doing it late summer/early fall but I wouldn't be shocked if it takes longer to happen.
AppliedAggression said:
You might want to read a lot on this forum instead of listening to these idiots.

Speaking of idiots, the original poster asked his question five months ago. Way to pay attention, pal.

And in case anyone else stumbles upon this thread while looking for info on the 522, AppliedAggression is absolutely right; you might want to read these forums instead of listening to the idiots. Start HERE
Get over yourself, Chris. Sure, there are other threads complaining about the 522, but you are the ONLY person outright telling people NOT to get it. This is the second thread I've seen where you link to your whine-fest!
How come everyone else is okay with the bugs? Because it's a good reciever!
It'll NEVER be 100% bug-free. Almost all of us here realize that...
ChrisCoop said:
Speaking of idiots, the original poster asked his question five months ago. Way to pay attention, pal.

And in case anyone else stumbles upon this thread while looking for info on the 522, AppliedAggression is absolutely right; you might want to read these forums instead of listening to the idiots. Start HERE

Ya know.... Jsut because you oppose the reciever doesnt mean we all do.. yes it has bugs.. my stand alone tivo that i use with my 301 has bugs.. big f'in deal It still is a really good reciever.. im very happy with it and my single mode isnt even active yet. please quit being self absorbed.. mmmkay?
Bizzach said:
Get over yourself, Chris.

LOL, you know what, you guys need to get over yourselves. It's you guys, the Dish apologists, that continue to engage in personal attacks on people who complain about the Dish service and/or specific Dish receivers. And it's not just me, I've seen it against many other members here and elsewhere. How come it's acceptable for people to make posts and threads that praise Dish and/or their receivers, but when someone comes along and starts a detailed, honest discussion about the problems they've experienced, they need to "get over themselves"?

Bizzach, you were the first apologist to post a reply after me in this thread. You quickly jumped on me for linking to MY COMPLAINT THREAD, but how come you had noting to say against AppliedAggression, a fellow member that thought it would be nice to insult other members that didn't agree with him and call them "idiots"? I didn't think that was very nice so I come along to defend against such "applied aggression," and instead of you joining me in chastising him for his senseless and unnecessary insults, you decide to, once again, put me in your cross hairs. I guess in your small world there's only enough room for one review. One point of view. One opinion. I just don't see it that way. I have never jumped on anyone for praising the 522...and I never will. Even though I disagreed with the way you first replied to me in MY COMPLAINT THREAD, I went on to post:

ChrisCoop said:
Bizzach, no fighting and no hard feelings. I enjoy reading your posts and I'm glad (no sarcasm) that you are happy with your 522. Peace, brother.

I think it's great that some people are having no problems with their 522, but the sad fact is that too many of us are having problems. Serious problems that render the 522 inoperable. As a matter of fact, you yourself posted in mrschwarz's GUIDE OF DEATH thread that you were also suffering form the latest (critical) flaw the 522 has developed. So how can you then come to this thread and say "Because it's a good reciever![sic]"? How can it be a "good reciever[sic]" for you when you can't press the guide button for fear of the thing rebooting? I guess these serious problems don't matter much to you and the other Fascists? Well, bully for you guys. These problems matter to me and many others and until these problems are addressed by Dish in a serious manner, you will continue to see posts and threads from me, and the others, that rag on the 522. You better get used to it; if Dish's track record for fixing defective receivers is any indication, we won't be going away for a while.
Okay, Chris... I'm sorry.
Link all you want. Point out my misspellings all you want. "Discuss" all you want (even though you haven't been discussing - you've been flaming Dish).
Just because I DO post in a thread saying I've had sh*t happen to my BOX (lol! I'm not spelling the R-word!), still doesn't mean I'm not happy with it. Please understand that. I'm sorry about all this sh*t.

It's over, man. You win!

----------------> DO NOT GET A f**kING 522 FROM DISH! <-------------------
Ya know i hate to see fights... I really do.. Please folks be objective in your psots it wont cause problems like this.... dont try to change someones opinions....

Post a review: Tell ppl the good the bad and the ugly...

Give your personal opinion... this helps ppl know wherer you stand

Finally dont tell ppl not to or to do something... how would you feel if i came up behind you and just told you to get the hell out of my way... bad right... if i was in a store and you walked up to me and said dont buy that.. heres why.. i would then have to get an objective opinion to find out the good.. because you only tell us bad and there is good you have to point out both sides to make an argument... hell i learned taht in grade school (i think) Please dont flame it aint cool mmmkay?
AppliedAggression said:
...The 522 is a great receiver and just today it received new software to allow single mode, which means you can use both tuners on on a single tv, or have each tuner go out to a seperate TV. Can the TIVO do that that? CAN IT?!
Yes, it can do dual tuners on a single TV (DirecTivos been doing that for a long time, not just since a few weeks ago). No, it cannot drive two TVs (each TV using different tuner).

Now... if you are an exisiting Dish customer and want to BUY a 522, can you? CAN YOU?!?!?! :mad: What does an existing Dish non-lease customer have to do to get a 522?
video62 said:
Yes, it can do dual tuners on a single TV (DirecTivos been doing that for a long time, not just since a few weeks ago). No, it cannot drive two TVs (each TV using different tuner).

Now... if you are an exisiting Dish customer and want to BUY a 522, can you? CAN YOU?!?!?! :mad: What does an existing Dish non-lease customer have to do to get a 522?

You know, I'm starting to think that the reasoning behind this is to not piss off existing customers and using new customers as the "testers". Doesn't that make the most sense? In any case, the 522 is pretty good at the moment. The last update really fixed a lot of things that Chris had been complaining about.

I'd expect the 522 to become available to current customers before the year is over. My guess is they would probably want to test their new name based recording feature with the "testers" before anything gets released to current customers.

Think about it, if you offered something that froze occasionally, stuttered, etc, etc to current customers that don't have any problems with their normal receivers you would have 2 problems (maybe more). 1) Pissed off customers because they "didn't have these problems before" which would result in 2) an increased amount of calls to Tech support and also 3) more trips for the service guys to hook up the original problem free receivers.

Any 921 timer problems with Detroit OTA's?

newbie DVR/PVR and home theater setup question

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