522 Authorization


New Member
Original poster
Oct 8, 2004
Anyone have any idea when and IF we normal beings (hard working, faithful, loyal, in-it-for-the-long-haul DISH subscribers) will be granted the right to pay out more money to add a 522 to our account like the GiftedOnes (new subscribers) can do now?

In other words, when will be able to authorize a 522 to our existing DISH account? Even though we are not New Subscribers?

I know it's a marketing thing, like all the others, but it sure wears on a guy to faithfully support DISH all these many years (in my case since back when Charlie was hoping to see DISH reach 1000000 subscribers!) and see all the good deals and slick new equipment go to newbies. Nothing against new subscribers, growth is good, but it sure seems that not much special is tossed in the direction of long timers in terms of recognition,equipment,etc

Or is it possible to get a 522 added on to an existing account now? If not, what's your best guess, spring?

Thanks everyone, will be interested to see your thoughts.
It is virtually impossible to get a 522 added to an existing account. From what I've seen, it's been nothing but failed attempts.

On the last Charlie Chat, January was the date of availability mentioned.

That's what I was afraid of.

But if January is true then I am not overly concerned, that wouldn't be too long to wait and maybe they will settle down some more but we know how often target dates are hit!
There is such an easy solution. First you need to fake your own death, and get your SS# retired. There are many internet solutions for this, just google it. Then Second you need to fake the birth of a baby by obtaining a fake birth certificate, then applying for a SS# using the fake birth certificate you have obtained illegally. Then you can easily cancel your DishNetwork agreement, your dead remember, then open it back up under your new born identity.

Get all that? See it's not hard at all to obtain a new 522 reciever.
deeredr said:
That's what I was afraid of.

But if January is true then I am not overly concerned, that wouldn't be too long to wait and maybe they will settle down some more but we know how often target dates are hit!
Why would you want a 522? I've got one you can buy in January or before if you want a boat anchor. It is currently authorized with a dealer subscription and I refuse to sell it or lease it to a customer it is so bad in my estimation. :mad: :mad: :mad:
If they won't give you a 522 receiver, there is always something called the Direct TV option. If they know you are serious about leaving, they will obviously give you what you want!
Or the AOL option- try cancelling aol and they will give you three free months. As if thats incentive enough to stay with their crappy service...
Getting a 522 For An Existing Dish Customer

Email ceo@dishnetwork.com
Include your daytime phone number and account number.
Tell them you are an existing customer and would like
to upgrade to 522.
Someone from the Executive Office staff will call you and
give you your options. They called me about a day later.
At least it worked for me.
I read about doing this on these forums.
P.S. Don't waste you time trying to go through Customer Service,
they won't be able to help you.

Agreed... Dish CS can run the numbers to make sure it's a clean box, but only theExec office can add it to an existing account. As stated above, write to CEO@dishnetwork.com and you can get it turned on in no time. :)
i already tried the "faking your death" bit.....they dug up my body, ran dna tests on me and found i was the same guy. they also questioned how i could grow so fast after being born. this dish network is good, eh? i think i'll wait til january. Peace and God bless.

POW/MIA.......never forget
Like I said, write the CEO a 3 line email and you can have it added that day. Or you can wait until Jan-Jun...it's all about how bad you want it I guess. :cool:
You can activate a 522 that has never been active on a lease account. Say, from a retailer, new in the box. They will not re-activate a leased rcvr.

If you need to find out if the rcvr has been active or not, PM me with the info, I'll run the numbers for you.
Are they going to require us to trade in one of our OWNED receivers for one of their LEASED ones or can we take our OWNED ones off of the account before adding it once we get the new Dish'n It Up promotion if it stays the same as it is now?

So basically if the receivers are brand new and have never been activated then they will not hesitate to activate them, only if the receiver is used will they not activate them? What if you deactivate the receiver on yoru acocunt and later want to reactivate it again?
Uhhh, I would doubt that they can make you turn in a receiver you own -- just imagine the lawsuits over that one! :eek:

There are a lot of the x22 boxes available on ebay and such. Before you buy one, make the seller give you the receiver and smart card numbers off the box. The CS person will be able to run the numbers and tell you if the box is clear or not. I just bought a NIB 522 for $180 and a NIB 322 for $60. I did exactly what I just stated above and made sure these were not "lease" boxes prior to handing over my money. Once I got the boxes I tried to go through the normal activation process. No, I couldn't get either box activated on my existing account. Everytime they entered the information into the system it just kicked it out. I wrote ceo@dishnetwork.com and had both boxes activated that night. :p

I think I'd take bcshields up on his offer to run the numbers. I suspect he could also add more specifics as to why the 1st level CS folks can't seem authorize a box on an existing account.
On the current Dish'n It Up Promotion they want you to trade in your receivers to get their leased receivers. I am not sure if there is an option whether you can add it onto the account or not. It may depend on whether you are going to add them onto the account or not or plan on replacing it because Dish wants it back if you just want to replace them or they will charge you a fee for not doing so, at least thats how it was when I got a 510 promotion last time.
I bought the 522 because I got it for 50% off. I don't want to pay a monthly lease fee and if it lasts for 4-5 years then I'm money ahead anyway. But that's why they make different products and packages so people can choose what appeals to them. ;)
AV8er said:
I bought the 522 because I got it for 50% off. I don't want to pay a monthly lease fee and if it lasts for 4-5 years then I'm money ahead anyway. But that's why they make different products and packages so people can choose what appeals to them. ;)
50% off of what? There is no retail price for them. There is no lease fee (but there is a VOD fee that will almost alway apply).
Ran across a website that had them MSRP of $399.95 for the 522, but they didn't actually sell them -- lease only. I believe the 522 replacement cost from the contract is probably a better indicator of value, and that's $300. But 50% or 66%, the point was that as an existing customer I couldn't get one through Dish and I found one NIB for <$200.

So exactly when is Dish going to let the existing customer base have the 522 again? Rumors abound, but was it Jan '05 ... Apr, or was that perhaps Jun '05? Will they have to turn in boxes they currently have? Is Dish going to replace two 301s in a house with a single 522? How would that effect the RVers that take a receiver on the road -- will they have to buy one somewhere else? They don't really know what they're going to do right now, but in the mean time I have my 522, 322 and two 301s to do with as I will... :cool:

FYI - I don't pay a VOD fee, and you won't either if you have America's Everything Pak -- just a $5.00 extra receiver fee. :yes

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