Echostar 3750QAM receiver - This is for use in Apartment Buildings - not a consumer receiver- you can't use this type of receiver with a regular dish, - has a special MDU setup called QAM that uses a-DISH 500 hooked to a special headend modulator that translates each 119 or 110 transponder you want to use and "remaps" it to an unused cable TV channel frequency.
-Comes with a ROM 3 card- and Remote. I do not know if it works. I'm able to power it up and view all the screens. It goes through the diagnostics screen and tests OK-- When I go to setup- it seaches for QAM frequencys, after a period of time I get a mesage "no Qam Frequencies found"
For sale or trade for a consumer Dish Receiver.
-Comes with a ROM 3 card- and Remote. I do not know if it works. I'm able to power it up and view all the screens. It goes through the diagnostics screen and tests OK-- When I go to setup- it seaches for QAM frequencys, after a period of time I get a mesage "no Qam Frequencies found"
For sale or trade for a consumer Dish Receiver.