39 Local markets

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Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Wooster, OH
Has any one heard any more on the 39 additional local market that was announced in March? They said by the end of 2003 didn't they? :?: :?:
I can't see this happening by the end of the year. The launch of DirecTV 7S has been delayed possibly till the beginning of next year. I don't believe they have the capacity to add anymore right now.
Correct, silversurfer.

However, DirecTV has listed a few new markets on their page that identifies where the antenna farm is located in each market, to backhaul to the broadcast centers. We tend to call it the point of presence (POP); DirecTV calls it the local receive facility (LRF).

Added to that page are Fargo, Eugene, and Wichita.
silversurfer01973 said:
I can't see this happening by the end of the year. The launch of DirecTV 7S has been delayed possibly till the beginning of next year. I don't believe they have the capacity to add anymore right now.

Is the delay because they are in the middle of the big SALE?
No, not because of the sale.

According to Dan Collins, Space Systems/Loral never builds a satellite on time; it was supposed to be delivered already. We'd have heard about it if the satellite was delivered.

Also, Arianespace, the launch facility that is contracted, never launches a satellite on time. There are still two launches scheduled prior to the DirecTV satellite. It is guessed that because the satellite isn't built, that the launch probably won't take place until early next year.
Greg Bimson said:
No, not because of the sale.

According to Dan Collins, Space Systems/Loral never builds a satellite on time; it was supposed to be delivered already. We'd have heard about it if the satellite was delivered.

Also, Arianespace, the launch facility that is contracted, never launches a satellite on time. There are still two launches scheduled prior to the DirecTV satellite. It is guessed that because the satellite isn't built, that the launch probably won't take place until early next year.

This all sounds to much like Dish Networks mode of operation. :D
Funny, Dish wants to buy Loral. Just imagine if they were in the Satellite building business ; Directv might never get their satellite built.
This is a bit of an advantage to Dish because they can get a head start in several DMA's unless they decide to not get in such a rush to add markets that DirecTv is delaying.
Yes, jssat21, it does look like DirecTV is taking a page out of Dish Network's books. Then again, with this SuperDish thing and no drop dead listings for the newer receiver models, it looks as if Dish Network has taken a page out of DirecTV's books.

I remembered something. Of the 39 markets that were originally announced back in March, two of those are up already. They are Columbus/Tupelo, MS, and Columbia, SC. DirecTV has also announced and added Huntsville, AL.

So, DirecTV still has 37 of the remaining 39 markets from the March press release, which are to be in service by the end of the year, if we can believe the press release. DirecTV also announced Topeka, KS. Topeka was also announced to be added by the end of the year. And finally, DirecTV has three unannounced markets listed on their local receive facilities page: Eugene, OR; Fargo, ND; and Wichita, KS.

This link is to DirecTV's page listing the local receive facilities. You will see that a good chunk of the 39 announced markets are listed on this page.

7S is currently in IOT and should be operating fully by early next year. And it does have a sick amount of Ku spot beams on it. Direct TV 8 and 9s, which is almost a clone of 7s, are already in production. 8 should be ready to launch early next year but 9s is a more complex bird and didn't start as early so I'm not sure when it will launch.
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