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Original poster
Does anyone know when it will be possible for existing subscribers to purchase the 322 and 522?
This has been mentioned here already... current plans are for DHP (Digital Home Plan - the lease option) NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY; availability for purchase will be "some time later" (probably sometime in 2004).
I believe Dish Network feels it must sell 322 / 522's to DHP Customers only because of the following reasons...

1) It is cheeper for them to put in 1 322 receiver then 2 301 receivers in a new customers house.

2) The 322's and 522's are in very limited supply.

3) Introducing these units in such small quantities lets them beta field test the units, already problems have been found (the 322/522 does not work with a quad LNB... But the fix for this is already coming out) so when theyare released to the general public a smoother install will be had by the public. :)
DHP Customers

well i got your 39$ deal.I was wondering How much more a month will i have to pay for the 811 and 522 deal.I think you said this is a lease program?right
I believe that 811 & 522 requires a 2 year commitment. If when you call to schedule your install you request DHP you are leasing the equipment, however if you tell them you want FREE DISH then you own the equipment.

Just remember the 811 does not become available until December, so you need to wait a few days before calling to schedule an install. :D
811 -522

So you were saying that (however if you tell them you want FREE DISH then you own the equipment.) Can you get the811 and 522 free or do you have to do the DHP?Also will the 921 be on the DHP? Thanks
Actually, I made a mistake, the 522 is only available in the DHP plan its not available on the FREE Dish plan, sorry.

Dish keeps changing these plans around.
Avoid the 322 like the plague if you intend to ever record anything with any device!

322 Receiver needs software modification, to eliminate incompatibility issues with non Echostar DVR units!
Screen Saver with Dish network Logo and Text (Push Select to Continue) pops up and gets recorded by my ReplayTV 5040 after daily Dish Network Software update and or every 4 hours if no remote control button is pushed. This Logo stays on screen and renders my ReplayTV 5040 TOTALLY USELESS.

I never had these ridiculous problems with my ReplayTV 5040 and Cable Company!
After more than 2 days and several calls to Dish Network Tech support, I may or may not have workable solution.
Whether this solution works or not it is very poor workaround at best.
I currently have 8 reminder timers (1 every 3 hours) set to simulate remote control activity, in order to keep the 4 hour inactivity screen saver from activating. Due to software updating Daily at 4:00 AM I had to set additional timer at 4:10 AM to keep from having screen saver started after software update.
This would be much preferred to my current workaround that may or may not work.

322 Receiver incompatible with non Echostar DVR units due to poorly written software!

Dishnetwork 322 Receiver unreliable poorly written software DVR Incompatible incompetent tech support!

322 Receiver incompatible with non Echostar DVR units due to poorly written software!
After 10:30 every night I become an unsubscribed user on TV1.
I never had these ridiculous problems with Roadrunner Cable Company!
I have found 1 individual who’s name needs to be mentioned as someone who goes the extra mile and is a highly recommended Customer Resolution Specialist Aimee Schweitzberger
Executive Office of Dish Network
1-866-680-1163 Ext. 47804
Email: aimee.schweitzberger@echostar.com
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Any news on more HD

OTA 49% explanation, I think?

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