My forefathers came to this country on a big boat, and paid their corn every winter solstice on time... We go to the Reverend's church every Wednesday and Sunday, and we do our best to burn witches before they eat the villlage's children.
Well today I called DISH and ordered the Blair Witch Project DVR for four easy payments of $49.95, and I was shocked to find out they want me to pay for it. Can you believe that? PAY for it?
Why my second grandfather furthest removed used to breathe the same cigar smoke as his majesty King George himself!
234 years in this country, and they won't give me one free DVR. I think I'm canceling and switching to Australia. Does anyone know how good their Boxing Kangaroos are? Do they get the Sopranos?
Should I try calling the Royal Court of King Charles and see if they'll give me a discount or credit me a free ship?
Seriously, NO ONE cares how long you've been a D* or E* customer. You pay your bill on-time, good for you. If you don't they turn you off. And guess what, you're paying FOR WHAT YOU BOUGHT.
*hugs and kisses*
--You're a Dime a Dozen
Well today I called DISH and ordered the Blair Witch Project DVR for four easy payments of $49.95, and I was shocked to find out they want me to pay for it. Can you believe that? PAY for it?
Why my second grandfather furthest removed used to breathe the same cigar smoke as his majesty King George himself!
234 years in this country, and they won't give me one free DVR. I think I'm canceling and switching to Australia. Does anyone know how good their Boxing Kangaroos are? Do they get the Sopranos?
Should I try calling the Royal Court of King Charles and see if they'll give me a discount or credit me a free ship?
Seriously, NO ONE cares how long you've been a D* or E* customer. You pay your bill on-time, good for you. If you don't they turn you off. And guess what, you're paying FOR WHAT YOU BOUGHT.
*hugs and kisses*
--You're a Dime a Dozen