110/119 & move 61.5 to 72.7 or 129?


Original poster
Oct 10, 2009
Upstate NY
Currently on 110/119 (Dish 500) and 61.5 wing dish. I'm missing HD channels so I understand I need to do something else. I don't need locals or internationals. I have a 211K and an elderly 301. From reading, it seems my best options are to point the 61.5 to 72.7 or 129. I need to move the dish if I point to 129. What are the pros/cons of 72.7 vs 129 for my setup? (I know similar questions have been asked, but I haven't found a thread that says what the programming differences would be based on 72.7 or 129).
It all depends on where your HD/SD locals are. You are mixed arc right now and need to go to east or west arc, once again, depending on where your locals are. A DIRT member can help you out here.
If you dont care about locals then I would go with 129 (if line of site allows it)

All the national HD is on 129 whereas on Eastern Arc its split right now between 61.5 & 72
You don't say where in Upstate you are and what is your DMA. Having your locals in HD can be a good backup for recording if you upgrade to a duo dvr. I'm in the Rochester area and was missing some HD channels till I was switched to the EARC.

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