I appreciate the info about the positioning of the orbitals being mirrored into the LNB, that helps me understand why some situations it seemed like a dish that shouldn't be getting a signal seemed to work just fine (left eye was pointed directly into a Hughesnet dish).
And yes, I am aware of many people here being familiar with the systems more than me. I more deal with wiring homes with coaxial and cat cables. I joined here in order to get knowledge from many of you.
This being said, you have likely encountered 1000.4 reflectors with 1000.2 EA LNBs on them. Maybe you are able to point these easily from being experienced in it, but the average customer is going to struggle getting signal like this. That is why I am stating it is difficult. It is by no means impossible, but it requires knowledge about reflector angles and having a good meter which most customers won't have access too. I'm sure with enough time it can be figured out, but it isn't easy for me, and I have worked on a fair amount of systems.