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  1. C

    522 problem

    Swapped the cables and the problem is still on sat. tuner 2. I guess this means the 522 is takin a crap?
  2. C

    522 problem

    No I don't have a seperator.
  3. C

    522 problem

    Is it possible for only the 110 sat. to show up on the check switch and not the other 2 sats if the cable or conn. is bad?
  4. C

    522 problem

    Got home tonite and could'nt get my locals, had most of the other channels. Did a quick check switch and the 522 sat. tuner one had my 3 sats 110,119.129 but sat. tuner 2 only showed 110. Went to my 211 and 311 and did check switch and everything was fine with them. I have a DPP44 switch feeding...
  5. C

    61.5 signal

    I currently have a dish 500 aimed at 129 for my HD and Chicago locals and I'm going to have to move it and reaim it. I live in SW Wisconsin and was wondering if any around here or in chicago is aimed at the 61.5 sat and what kinda of signal strenght are they getting and will I still be able to...
  6. C

    Duplicate channels

    Thanks. I just disabled the downmapping.
  7. C

    Duplicate channels

    How to do I get rid of the duplicate channels in my Favorites for HD? It shows the 6000 HD lineup and also the same ones in the lower numbers that are also HD. I've had this problem for awhile since that last update and now its really getting annoying.
  8. C

    "Move address"

    Move went off without a hitch, thanks for the help.
  9. C

    "Move address"

    When you make the so called" move" to another town do you have to give the CSR a real address in the new city?
  10. C

    Chicago HD locals

    Anybody on here who has Chicago HD locals?
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    Chicago HD locals

    Whats the quality of the locals in HD in Chicago. I hear someone brag about the KC locals being so good is anyone having problems with the signal in Chicago?
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    Thanks for your replies. I'm also having the problem with sound too, I agree it must be on there end as the weather and signals are all fine.
  13. C


    I have been noticing some pixelation and signal interference lately and was wondering if any one else has seen the same problem? Its been going on for about a month, my Dish 500 signal levels for 110/119 have been 95 t0 100 when this happens.
  14. C

    Local stations in HD

    Any news when we might get our Madison,WI locals in HD?
  15. C

    HD signal

    thank you
  16. C

    HD signal

    I'm in SW Wisc. Also wondering if I could use use my superdish to pick up 110-119- and 129 or is that stretching it too far?
  17. C

    HD signal

    Can I use a Dish 500 to recieve the 129 and 119 signals?
  18. C

    Dish 1000 mast

    thank you.
  19. C

    Dish 1000 mast

    Is the Dish 1000 mast the same size as the superdish? I'm haveing the 1000 installed and was wondering if they could just swap the dises out and use the same mounting.
  20. C

    Dish 500 vs Dish 500+

    Inregards to the last question that is where my dish installer decided to aim it. Would I get a better signal if I tried to go after the 61.5 sat?
  21. C

    Dish 500 vs Dish 500+

    Thanks for all your help. I think I'll get another Dish 500 for my locals and 110/119 and use my other 500 to peak my HD channel on 129. If I get the I adapter can I set the skew to 90 degrees and just use the elevation and azimuth?
  22. C

    Dish 500 vs Dish 500+

    I currently have the superdish and the Voom channels. I have a separate Dish 500 pointed at 129 for my HD. I was wondering now that my locals are no longer on 121 and all I need for my top 120 pkg. and locals is to get 110 and 119 would I be better off getting another dish 500 and peak it on...
  23. C

    Anybody Else Having This Issue???

    Hey I have been having the same problems with 119 and no channels but a strong signal and I live in SW Wisc. I wonder if it is a local thing for our geographical area or is my lnb going bad too. Seems strange that we would both be having the same problem at the same time but it is awfully hot...