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  1. SpenceJT

    Dish just called me -- Free sling adapter?

    I had received an email from Dish Network today regarding the free Sling Adapter they wished to send me. Questions; Will the Sling Adapter work with the applications that I have already paid for and installed onto my phone & tablet (both Android)? Do they require that the original Sling...
  2. SpenceJT

    3D in 2012 -- May send me to DirecTv

    Check out Martin Scorsese's "Hugo", or Michael Bay's "Transformers: Revenge if the Fallen" in 3D, and I think you'll see that James Cameron has increasing competition where directing 3D movies are concerned. :-)
  3. SpenceJT

    Remote Access Frustration

    I have just upgraded my 622's to a pair of 722's and was experiencing the very same thing. In my case, I am attempting to remove my old receivers from my SlingGuide account, so that I can add the new receivers. No matter which browser I use, I am sent back to the SlingGuide account login page...
  4. SpenceJT

    922 Pics

    Well that bites! I own one ViP622, and lease a second one. I can honestly say that I will not be purchasing or leasing a 922 until the IR is enabled. I can use the universal remote of my choice (Harmony 880) with it.
  5. SpenceJT

    SlingGuide - Problems

    I was trying as late as 7:00 p.m. CST. with no success. Just tried again and it appears to be back up and running.
  6. SpenceJT

    SlingGuide - Problems

    Yup - sitting on the "Connecting to receiver, please wait" message. Let's hope they are performing some sort of update.
  7. SpenceJT

    SlingGuide - Problems

    I can confirm this - My 622's were activated and I have SlingGuide functionality and never needed to modify my firewall.
  8. SpenceJT

    SlingGuide - Problems

    Thanks again. The 622 that I have in my home theater runs in single mode, so the tuners are not split, feeding other televisions, so tuner one should not be an issue. It is primarily viewed in the early morning while my wife is on the treadmill, so I shouldn't run into any major conflicts...
  9. SpenceJT

    SlingGuide - Problems

    Thanks Zulu - it sounds as though the Solo will suit my needs. It is just my wife, my six year old daughter and myself, and the only time I would use the Sling is when we are either on vacation, or when I am taking my daughter to swimming lessons. I'll be able to stream live TV if I wish, from...
  10. SpenceJT

    SlingGuide - Problems

    I am considering the purchase of a Slingbox, but see a number of models. What is the consensus on the Slingbox Solo?
  11. SpenceJT

    SlingGuide - Problems

    Can someone confirm that having a ViP622 or 722 without an external Slingbox, will not allow streaming of content to computers or mobile devices. Perhaps I had incorrectly read the transcripts of the Tech Chat, in that they gave the impression that those models would have some sort of...
  12. SpenceJT

    December 18th Dish Retailer Chat Recap

    Charlie - stop re-naming the gorram packages and use the capitol that would be saved by not having to change your marketing materials (for the re-named packages) to off-set your rate increases!!! ....jeeze... ...and I'm not even a collage graduate! :rolleyes:
  13. SpenceJT

    New Software Updates Discussion Thread

    I have no feeling one way or the other (unless I had received the update and had problems with my local channels). However many variables there may be within the 622/722 platform, to have issues being reported from such relatively small sampling group (active members posting in this forum)...
  14. SpenceJT

    New Software Updates Discussion Thread

    On behalf of those of us who have not received L615, thank you for volunteering to be beta testers. :D Perhaps this is why Dish did a staged roll-out? is unfortunate that they appear to skip over any thorough testing their firmware. Sorry to hear that it has messed up your locals...
  15. SpenceJT

    New Software Updates Discussion Thread

    it wasn't all that 'all'. Both of my 622s remain at L614.
  16. SpenceJT

    HD Local Additions

    It's a deal! ...but only after this season of 24 has finished airing. :D
  17. SpenceJT

    HD Local Additions

    Maybe so, however Vegas has legalized 'things' that we don't see all that much of in the frozen Midwest. :)
  18. SpenceJT

    HD Local Additions

    whoop-a-dee-doo!!! now we have two!!! :rolleyes: ...still waiting on CBS, ABC and CW in Madison, WI
  19. SpenceJT

    Madison, WI Local Channels / HD ?

    I am in the 1 HD channel boat with ya pal! ...on the bright side, we can now record more than one local program in HD (providing you've got an OTA antenna)! I will try e-mailing engineers at WMTV and WISC to see if they can give me any idea as to the hold up and/or any eta. Stay Warm! Spence
  20. SpenceJT

    Finally Madison HD (at least 1)

    WTH? Only one channel? I wonder how long before the others come on line. Also, am I the only one that finds it odd that the first and only channel (so far) is the local FOX affiliate? Considering that FOX is owned by NewsCorp, which is (I believe) still part owner in DirecTV. I would have...
  21. SpenceJT

    Finally Madison HD (at least 1)

    Correct. I also understand that the Eastern Arch will be made available, once the new smart-cards have been distributed, so there is a chance that at some point in the future, Dish could swap out the community Dish, with one pointing to the sats on the Eastern Arch.
  22. SpenceJT

    Finally Madison HD (at least 1)

    There is nothing stupid about that question at all. Are you talking about HD via terrestrial broadcast or HD locals from the satellite? I have a co-worker that swears that his father inlaw is getting HD locals via the satellite. I know that new installs could be set up with access to the...
  23. SpenceJT

    Finally Madison HD (at least 1)

    Okay, I have confirmed that the HD LILs are still going to be on 61.5. I have also confirmed that the installation is 'no charge' (with 2 year contract). I am scheduled for installation on the 22nd. It should be fairly simple for the installer as I've got a Dish 500 on the roof, cabled and...
  24. SpenceJT

    Finally Madison HD (at least 1)

    Excellent news. Do you know if the HD LILs are available via the Dish 1K or are they still on 61.5 (requiring a second dish)? Something new to look forward to when I get home! Cheers, Spence