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  1. W

    HBO Wire

    It was not in hd on my tv last night.
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    Fed up with dish hd.

    I staying with dish, they are the best, I guess fed up was not a good choice of words.
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    Fed up with dish hd.

    I know dish is the best, I just wish the hd quality I had when I first started getting it two years ago was the same.
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    Fed up with dish hd.

    I was watching the hd channels this morning, home and garden and hd news look like the bit rate has been turned down or something while the hd ppv movie bloodrayne looks great. All hd channels should have the same bit rate,we pay extra for the hd channels so in a way they are ppv. I've had...
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    a&e hd on dish?

    A&E hd starts today, does anyone know when or if dish will carry this channel.
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    HD quality of thursdays espn game on Dish

    The quality of the espn game South Carolina vs Miss. State was terrible. I could hardly tell it was hd. Hd is getting worse and worse, it not worth having any more. You pay for hd but do not get it.
  7. W

    voom pq

    Does anyone know when the pq of voom will be fixed. I have read in the past that it was a fiber problem. I"ve had voom for a month an the pq is not what I remember from seeing voom in the past.
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    starz hd?

    Anyone know when starz hd will be added to dish network.
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    Puzzled: HDMI worse than Component?!

    I have a crt and it looks better on hdmi.
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    e mail address for dish quality

    One of my local channels 7877 (58) ABC out of Macon, Ga. is blurry and reddish color. Does anybody know the e-mail address for pq, I think it is dishquality but I can not remember the rest of it.
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    VOOM Channels are all black, and now back.

    I do not think voom has a prime time. My channels look the same.
  12. W

    To Switch to E*, or not.

    I had D from 95 to 2003 and I loved it. I got married and moved to another town where E offered my locals and D did not at the time. I switched to E and got the 811, I did not like the,pq of the 811 but recently upqraded to the 211 and the pq is great and I am very please with E now. Sd and...
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    thinking about upgrading to 211

    I have the 811 an I am thinking about upgrading to the 211. I was wondering if those that have upgraded are happy with the 211 and do they watch the voom channels.
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    Upgraded to the 211 from the 811

    Is the 211 that much better on the pq. I have the 811 and hate the pq quality, I would upgrade if the pq of the 211 was a lot better than the 811
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    pq 811 vs 211

    I have the 811 and have not been pleased with the pq, the sd is not very good. I have read that the pq of the 211 is better. Is the pq quality better on sd and hd or just hd. Is the pq so much better that it is worth the upgrade.
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    picture quality of 211 for sd

    How is the pq for sd with the 211. I have the 811 and the pq for sd is not very good.
  17. W

    811 to VIP211 upgrade.

    211 picture quality How is the picture quality of the 211 for sd.
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    hd upgrade question.

    How much more will it cost for the vooms channels and unhd,espn2 hd. I think I pay 9.99 for the hd pak now.
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    hd upgrade question.

    I have the 811 and 301 with the dish pointed at 105/110/119 and have the hd pak. I would like unhd and espn2 hd but do not care about the voom channels. I get locals from Macon Ga so that won"t be an option because they are 150 on the list for hd. Local cable co. is terrible with no plans for...
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    Charlie Chat Recap and Discussion

    Charlie said 30 hd channels plus locals by early 2006. There is no way that will happen.
  21. W

    picture quality not as good at night

    I have 2 tvs. One is a 34" hd toshiba that I bought last year and the other is a sony 34" that i bought 6 years ago. I have the superdish with the 811 hooked up to the toshiba and the 301 hooked up to the sony. I had dish since sept. 2004. I can not tell the difference on the sony it is...
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    picture quality not as good at night

    I live in Dublin, Georgia and all channels are effected. It is a slight difference in picture quality. It might be my tv or the lighting in the room but there is a difference.
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    picture quality not as good at night

    I think moisture in the line might be the problem since it clears up during the day. I will check the cable for any cracks. thanks
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    picture quality not as good at night

    I have dish network with the 811. During the day my pq is great but at night the pq is not quite as good. I know this sound funny but it does this every night and early in the morning and changes during the day. I was wondering if anybody else had this problem before.
  25. W

    Frustrated with Dish HD

    I also have the 811 for one year now and the sd quality of mine 811 is terrible. Am I the only with this problem and is the quality of the sd picture much better on the 942.