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  1. L

    Compatible Hard Drive 622

    Rebooting I think the broblem been solved...I had hooked up the hard drive to an external power supply and reboot the unit by unpluging and re-pluging the unit .... so far so good. it might be a power issue. hope that will help some one ...
  2. L

    Compatible Hard Drive 622

    I have the Ultimate boot CD Full v3.4 would this will do the job....or I have to get the seagate utility..??
  3. L

    Compatible Hard Drive 622

    my 622 keeps rebooting...and by disconnecting the hard drive it will work without PVR... would formating the hard drive with winhex helps to solve this problem...?? ( winhex would fill out the hard drive with 00 , should I do all partitions or a spacific one ) Any input would be thankful
  4. L

    Compatible Hard Drive 622

    which one you used of seagate ..?? a model number please...!! and from where you bought ...?? Thanks