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  1. erothoff

    Problems tuning in FTA Dish

    While I am saddened that CW isn't on Galaxy 19 for a KU, the truth is, I had not expected it until I was looking for help getting it pointed in again, and one of the sites listed that it was there, and I was surprised. If it is on C Band, I may have to consider putting one in later, as my OTA...
  2. erothoff

    Problems tuning in FTA Dish

    I am pointing at 97 degrees Galaxy 19. (201 on my compass.) I believe when I bought it they called it an 80cm dish and the longer part is up and down, not side to side. But yes, that is one of my questions is whether this dish is too small, because I have always had a hard time pointing it.
  3. erothoff

    Problems tuning in FTA Dish

    I have a 32"x30" FTA Dish, a Universal KU Band LNB (Input:10.70-12.75Ghz, Output:950-2150MHz Noice:0.1db LNB), and a Fortec Star Murcury - II. I have had it working 2-3 times over the last 8 years, but it always took a long time to install as I get very weak signal. (And I am using a Super Sat...