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    Access Card

    Married to the account is fine; I just want to know if I can just change receivers by moving the card from the old to new receiver?
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    Access Card

    A local dealer told me that if I picked up a receiver and card when I got new DTV service ( I am not a prior customer), once activated I could swap that out and put it in my HD box which is DTV compatible but does not have a card (I bought it open box). Is that not the case? Are the cards...
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    Thanks again.
  4. B


    Thanks dfergie and CablerMN. I am in Berkeley/San Francisco CA so any dealer recommendations would be appreciated.
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    I picked up a new Hughes Platinum HD receiver at a clearance sales 4-5 months ago. I have been getting OTA HDTV in the Bay Area, CA, and it works great. With football season approaching, however, I am thinking about getting D*TV or D*Network and dumping cable which I also get. The Hughes is...