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  1. S

    DISH Locals - DMA/ZIP mismatch ???

    If zap2it shows the correct stations for your neighbor but they are not re-mapped in his guide to the local channel numbers (2, 4, 5, 6, etc.) and he does subscribe to them from Dish, I have no explanation. In your case, are the locals that you subscribe to from Dish showing up in the guide...
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    DISH Locals - DMA/ZIP mismatch ???

    Do your Dish locals map down to the local channel numbers on your guide?
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    DISH Locals - DMA/ZIP mismatch ???

    Anybody else have this problem??? If your Dish Locals DON"T remap to the station channel numbers on your Dish receivers, you may have a DMA/ZIP mismatch!!! You can check this out by going to "" and entering your zip code. Next, select TV listings for DishNetwork. If the local...
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    Trouble remapping Local channels

    Try going to on the internet and put in your parents zip code. Next click on TV listings for Dish Network. If the list shows the locals that they get, the channels should remap - however you may be supprised to find as I did, that the zap2it screen shows locals from another area. In...
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    721/921 Caller ID log fills up!

    This is too obvious, but my caller ID stops working on both my 721 and 921 when the caller ID Log fills up! I have not counted how many calls the log holds, but deleting some or all of them brings the function back to life every time! Stingray
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    Rainbow Spin-off is dead

    VOOM Goes Bust ! Digital TV e-news letter: "" Cablevision has decided to suspend its Voom satellite service, which included several high-definition channels, but had only a modest 25,000 subscribers by the end of Q3 2004.
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    Fox Hd

    I had heard that FOX was only broadcasting 480p. Has that changed??
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    921 not the cause of the problem in DEtroit

    Over the last couple of weeks the dialog volume was extremely low on several prime time shows on WDIV Detroit digital. Of course my first thought was that it was the fault of the 921 but, after talking to WDIV engineeering today, they are having problems with a new Dolby 5.1 encoder on their...
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    One OTA (ABC) won't lock - any ideas?

    Just when you think it's over..... I tried one more time today to lock in my local ABC station (41) and it worked!!! Don't know yet if it will hold up after a reboot, but tomorrow will tell. :) joelk - in Detroit, 007-03 broadcasts a web cam picture of the Detroit River and downtown...
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    One OTA (ABC) won't lock - any ideas?

    joelk - How do you "leave the unit tuned to 007-01 or 007-02, it will ultimately tune the station, albeit very slowly." My 921 does not accept an entry of 007-01, it changes it immediately to the next numerically higher digital channel that IS saved, 020-01. What's your secret?
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    One OTA (ABC) won't lock - any ideas?

    The 921 is now one week old and working marvelously (almost). All of my local digitals locked in properly with a Scan Digital command except for ABC (41-1) which was a no-show. :confused: I did a manual add DTV with without success. When it trys to lock in on 41 the signal bar oscillates...
  12. S

    Success: 921 with DP Plus 44 and DP Plus Separator

    FYI - I just converted all LNB's and switches from legacy to DishPro with a DPP44 and seperators. Both the 921 and 721 work great as well as a 508 and a 6000. The 6000 switch check still reports a SW64 but works great. Ahh - the mysterys of Dish equipment. :yes
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    921 Connections to SW64

    FYI - I had my 921 initially hooked up to a SW64 switch with everything working AOK. Now I changed everything to DishPro and am feeding the 921 and a 721 thru a DPP44 and seperators so that each receiver needs only one coax run from the switch. The 721 switch check went fine and it was up...
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    Are people giving up on the 921?

    Had my 921 for one week now and I am happy with it so far. :D Since I followed this web site over the last year, I was very aware of it's present short commings. :yes I am hanging my hat on Dish's promise to solve the remaining problems with OTA, timers, etc. I will keep my 721 in service...
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    caller id no id

    After rechecking your phone line connections, do a phone diagnostics check. If the check says OK and you still don't display new calls, do a power cord reboot. Put the 921 in standby then pull the power cord out for three minutes. When plugged back in the receiver will reboot which takes...
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    Any 921 timer problems with Detroit OTA's?

    Four days with the 921 and all is good except for one thing: ABC 41 in Detroit won't lock in most of the time with a signal that at first oscillates from 0 to 70 for a while than becomes steady at 116. It stays red and will not lock under an ADD DTV, but sometimes will lock under a SCAN DTV...
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    Any 921 timer problems with Detroit OTA's?

    nz87qm - I am in the Detroit area (Troy) and I get all the stations. I could not view FOX until software version 186 was downloaded, but now I can view all stations. You do have to manually set to record. I record Jay Leno in HD every night. I have had the occasional zero length recording. When...
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    Any 921 timer problems with Detroit OTA's?

    Gentlemen - How well is your 921 handling the HD OTA signals from Detroit locals? Can you select programs from the guide to record as you would with a 501 or 721, or do you have to set up timers manually? Do the DVR functions (pause, rew, fast fwd.) work on all the Detroit HD's? Any other...
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    How do I add a 5th receiver???

    Simple Simon - Thanks for the info - I will call Dish as soon as the 921 arrives to see if they will offer a solution - switch to dish pro or an additional dish500. BK 666 - Thanks for the links to the cascading 64 installation, etc. :) Stingray
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    How do I add a 5th receiver???

    Simon- - I have Two round LNB's an inch or so apart per dish, each with two outputs, 6 leads total to the 64 sw. If you say they are duals than OK, I got confused. ALSO you jogged my memory - when I installed the 64 sw I remember there being a schematic showing how to cascade them using...
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    How do I add a 5th receiver???

    How do I add a 5th (and 6th) receiver??? EDITED Can I add a 921 to my present 721, 6000 and 508 setup?? I have a 500 dish for 110/119 and a 300 dish for 61.5 feeding a 64 switch. The 64 switch presently feeds the 721 (2 feeds) a 6000 and a 508. All LNB's are legacy twins. When my 921 is...
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    I got my 721

    Gary - my first 721 ran 104 - 113 degrees measured with a digital probe at the left side of the case. After 1 week the audio went out and Dish replaced the unit. The replacement runs 94 - 101 degrees in the same location in my equipment cabinet and is functioning perfectly. These temps are...
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    Anybody gotten a 921 lately???

    FYI - I called a Dish retailer today in Livonia Michigan who claims to be the largest volume dealer in MI, who told me that he has yet to receive his first 921. Well so much for volume..... :D Guess I will continue to wait for a call from Scott !!!!!
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    721 Weird Video Problem

    Could it be overheating? My first 721 seemed to run much hotter than the 508 it replaced while in the same location in my equipment cabinet. The audio failed on that unit in less than 10 days. I took some readings with a digital thermometer on top of the case and found the 721 was running...