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  1. MarkoC

    La Liga Season 2007-2008 on WorldSportHD

    Wednesday's game is a good example of why I haven't been watching many La Liga games on WorldSport this season. The Classico between Real Madrid and Barcelona, one of the biggest games of the season, is on Wednesday and we get Zaragoza versus Valencia. It is a bad team against another bad...
  2. MarkoC

    Battlestar Galactica Season One on UHD

    Does anybody know if Universal HD is going to replay Season 2 of BSG any time soon? I have become so hooked on this show that I will get the SD DVDs from Netflix if I have to but I would much rather watch them in HD.
  3. MarkoC

    Battlestar Galactica Season One on UHD

    According to the info on my guide this was supposed to be a two part episode but Universal HD did not show part two on Saturday night. Apparently they are not showing it next week either. Are they no longer showing BSG on UHD now that season 4 has started on Sci-Fi? :confused:
  4. MarkoC

    Big Ten Hd???

    So in other words, if all you subscribe to is the HD only pack you will not get BTN HD, even if you live in one of the Big Ten states.
  5. MarkoC

    Why does Dish not carry CW HD or MyNetwork HD

    How many people actually watch MyNetwork?
  6. MarkoC

    please help red ring death

    You don't even have to call them. You can go through the whole process at That is what I did and it took me about 2 minutes. Microsoft will send you a box for you to send the unit back to them and will send you a refurbished unit back. It took about two and a half weeks in my case.
  7. MarkoC

    Anyone having periodic video stuttering on their 622?

    I have noticed this problem on one of my 622's as well. It seems to occur mainly while watching SD programming.
  8. MarkoC

    Battlestar Galactica Season One on UHD

    Thanks, I thought I may have missed a show and I have gotten hooked on this show already. :)
  9. MarkoC

    Battlestar Galactica Season One on UHD

    My DVR didn't record BSG last night on UHD, was it on?
  10. MarkoC

    La Liga Season 2007-2008 on WorldSportHD

    Will this game be replayed on Worldsport any time soon?
  11. MarkoC

    Multiple 622 DVRs

    I have two leased 622's and one more I purchased. The first 622 I got shortly after the receiver was first released. A few months later I traded in a 942 for my second 622. Sometime after that I purchased my third from Ebay.
  12. MarkoC

    La Liga Season 2007-2008 on WorldSportHD

    I certainly don't blame Paul and crew for this problem but I just understand how a game can be confirmed for broadcast and then less than 24 hours later come gametime is just isn't on. Is this par for the course in Spain? It doesn't make any sense to me. :confused:
  13. MarkoC

    Today's LIVE La Liga Game on WorldSportHD

    They aren't showing this game, they are showing a repeat of Seville/Depor. WTF!
  14. MarkoC

    two 622's?

    I have 3 622's.
  15. MarkoC

    Best remote for 622 & everything else?

    I can't say enough good things about my Harmony 880! I use mine to control 2 622's, a DVD recorder, A/V reciever and my TV. This morning I just programmed it to work with my new Zektor component switch box and it works great!
  16. MarkoC

    L365 software for the 622

    I wondered why the first six minutes of Ugly Betty and Survivor were missing. I guess I know why now . . . :(
  17. MarkoC

    HBO Wire

    The Wire is one of the best shows on TV IMO. It is so good that I will watch it in SD, there aren't many shows I can say that about. It is disappointing however, because the PQ of the other HBO shows in HD is so good.
  18. MarkoC

    Star Trek Enterprise

    Any word on when Enterprise will start airing on HDNet?
  19. MarkoC

    International Baseball On Worldsport

    I think they showed the Japanese World Series on a delayed basis last year.
  20. MarkoC

    How far from Minneapolis can you be?

    If don't already know about you should check the site out. It is a a great local resource for HDTV. I have a rooftop antenna in SW Minneapolis and I get great OTA reception.
  21. MarkoC

    Apple Valley MN WCCO Issues

    I live in SW Minneapolis and I have noticed this problem on WCCO via my one of my 622s as well. I usually watch OTA but my newest 622 doesn't have an antenna connected to it yet.
  22. MarkoC

    Want to get a or buy?

    The reason I purchased my second 622 was that I already was leasing a 622 and at the time Dish would not let me lease a second one. I was a little hesitant about buying one, but given the price I got, $415, and the fact that whenever the 622 becomes obsolete Dish will probably provide an uprade...
  23. MarkoC

    Want to get a or buy?

    I got a 622 on Ebay for $415 and $30 shipping for a total of $445. Not a bad deal IMHO. :)
  24. MarkoC

    Can you get CBS HD if HD LIL is available??

    I get the Minneapolis LIL in addition to CBSHD from the 61.5 satellite. :up