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  1. E

    ANIK F2 - Thy End Is Near

    I guess some parts of the audience just aren't capable of a bit of levity...
  2. E

    ANIK F2 - Thy End Is Near

    You do realize that was a joke, right?
  3. E

    ANIK F2 - Thy End Is Near

    I wonder if I could leave my 600-series box plugged in on the shelf under the TV and use the USB port on the front to charge my phone? :)
  4. E

    4508c lnb compatible

    "...cute little wannabe dishes..." ???
  5. E

    ANIK F2 - Thy End Is Near

    The last little bit of info I see in the guide on 101 and 701 says "this satellite set-top box will soon be decommissioned...". Is Shaw going to (can they, even...) brick it remotely? Or, are they simply going to leave it useless with no programming it can receive? All that e-waste... at least...
  6. E

    ANIK F2 - Thy End Is Near

    Got my Shaw bill today. Notice the fine print. Looks like they will terminate accounts that don't contact them to upgrade the box. Last evening I noticed that I had lost all of my remaining channels except for TSC, News Forum HD, Shaw Spotlight, Spark, Nick and YTV. Might as well contact my...
  7. E

    Shipping Shaw receiver down south - does it have to be "hit" up north first?

    I didn't misunderstand at all. It doesn't matter what service you have had in the past. The migration to G1 has already begun and your location in Arizona is far outside the footprint. You will only be able to watch channels that remain (for the time being) on Anik F2, which are fewer all the...
  8. E

    Shipping Shaw receiver down south - does it have to be "hit" up north first?

    If you are in Arizona and want to use it there, you are far outside the footprint for G1, so no need to even bother. By not long after the first of the year, all the Shaw channels will be on G1as Anik F2 is circling the drain.
  9. E

    ANIK F2 - Thy End Is Near

    Well, I suspect all the things I mentioned will come eventually. Shaw seems to want more control of their user base and system, not unlike the way DirecTV does things in the US.
  10. E

    ANIK F2 - Thy End Is Near

    No more retail sales, they are now leased and not privately owned. I don't know for a fact, but I suspect that Shaw will refuse to activate a box on your account unless it is one that they issue to you directly, and any that are not returned from closed accounts will be blacklisted.
  11. E

    ANIK F2 - Thy End Is Near

    None of this is a problem for any Canadian residents except those in the remote northern tier so you aren't likely to see many Canadians in this thread. Anyway, they have recourse by complaining to Shaw. I'm actually on the southern edge of the G1 footprint and seem to be getting some of the...
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    ANIK F2 - Thy End Is Near

    I subscribe from the "southern provinces" via a broker. My Canadian address is a mail drop in Ontario. See the problem?
  13. E

    ANIK F2 - Thy End Is Near

    I lost CTV Sci-Fi the other day, so unless there is some magic method for getting the 800-series box that Shaw constantly begs me in emails to accept, looks like I'm heading out the door.
  14. E

    Any US actions against a subscriber?

    I find it hilarious that, on one side there are the Canadian "cultural integrity" laws, and on the other side the reality of Canadian satellite television. Every major US network show is available in Canada on Canadian networks! Every Canadian satellite subscriber gets programming from every...