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  1. P

    trouble with second receiver (301)

    You guys are great. Sure enough, I took the radioshack switch out and it works fine.]:) thanks-I spent most of the day yesterday banging my head against the wall (figuratively) pat
  2. P

    trouble with second receiver (301)

    2d receiver problem OK, I still wonder why the 508 works even though the signal is going through the switch and the 301 doesn't. I checked on ebay and there are a bunch of dp34 switches. It seems like there are several different models. (dishpro/superdish/dish 500) Are they all compatible...
  3. P

    trouble with second receiver (301)

    2d receiver problem Pils, the dvr is a 508. however, I plan on hooking up a third receiver after the remodel (hence the switch). Not sure what kind of switch it is. Here is a link to the radioshack product site describing the switch...
  4. P

    trouble with second receiver (301)

    second receiver problems Pils, thanks for the reply. I will try that tonight, but I wonder why the DVR works fine and the 301 doesn't when they both recieve the signal from the radioshack switch pat
  5. P

    trouble with second receiver (301)

    second reciever problems Bob A Already did that. I did have an outdated software version. Did not make a difference. Wonder why the DVR works fine and the 301 doesn't even though both are receiving the signal through the radioshack switch. thanks pat
  6. P

    trouble with second receiver (301)

    Help, this is my first post. Just completed a home remodel and reconnected my second receiver (a 301) after being offline for about 6 months. Previously had dishnetwork out who reconnected my first receiver (a dvr) which works fine. The 301 only gets a few channels. When I do a check switch...