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  1. K

    New To Dishnetwork

    thanks again. right on..good to just have to get both signals...(had trouble yesterday)...thanks for replying so guys are awesome...ken
  2. K

    New To Dishnetwork

    not sure... the LNB has one output per side(110 & 119).. does that help???
  3. K

    New To Dishnetwork

    thanks so i take it..i need 2 cables from the dish..ok....and i guess i can get a switch at radio shack???..any particular model??or something i should be aware of????thanks again.....ken
  4. K

    New To Dishnetwork

    hi all....i just switched from direct dishnetwork...i have the dish 500 dish.....was get both 110 and i need to run two cables from the dish??..and have a switch inside the house??....or just one cable.......i had 119 coming in all i can get is...