Search results for query: *

  1. S

    DirecTV has crazy retention deals right now

    Following up on my earlier post: DirecTV has crazy retention deals right now Quick recap, current bill: XTRA package, 2 receivers, no pay channels. $78.84 (after $50 discount) A few weeks ago they added another $60/mo discount (no contract) that will show up on my next bill. So, my contract...
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    DirecTV has crazy retention deals right now

    I'm certainly not waiting for anyone here's approval. I'm just adding to the content on this board about the deep discounts DTV is giving people that are trying to leave. My 100% intent was to drop DTV when I originally called about a week ago. The ONLY thing keeping me until the 23rd of this...
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    DirecTV has crazy retention deals right now

    Same here. I'm a long time sub (10-15 years...) with the Xtra package, DVR, HD, 2 receivers and nothing else. I was seriously calling to cancel DTV last weekend because I'm done with $80/mo bills when you can easily get half that with streaming services. Plus, I'm getting pixelation at times...
  4. S

    Play Recorded Show instantly "Delete Recording?"

    I've been having a problem with my HR20-700 for a few weeks now. Shows seem to record ok but playback has had problems. Sometimes, playing a recording will instantly display the "Delete Recording" prompt, as if it's finished playing the entire show. Other times.. I'll be watching playback...
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    DirecTV Loyalty Progam

    Free Starz for 12 months I haven't been paying much attention to this stuff but noticed I had Starz last night. Thought it was a Thanksgiving free preview. I went to my DTV account and this was on the front page: Happy anniversary and thank you for being a loyal DIRECTV customer! Please...
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    $20 Discover Card Gift Card

    please enter me!
  7. S

    DirecTiVo and Time Warner VOIP

    Not sure about Time Warner but VOIP in general is hit or miss when it comes to data connections like DirecTivo. I tried SunRocket and even with different tweaks (like lowering connections speed and such) my DTivo couldn't connect. Then I saw several posts about ATT CallVantage (voip) working...
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    Sirius Activation Fee

    I'd like to try Sirius but I'm not very optimistic that I'll like it. My main concern is the quality of the audio. Some people say it's horrible, other people say it's fine. Think there's any chance I can get signed up without paying an activation fee? Even without an activation fee, I'm...
  9. S

    New Posts

    I liked the way "New Posts" was handled under the old system, where you clicked "New Posts", then "DirecTV" and it would show only new posts for the DirecTV forum. I guess you can do that now by going to Forums, DirecTV, and looking at the 'bolded' topics. It's hard to quickly find the group...
  10. S

    $299 HD-DVR w/ $100 rebate

    Oh, right, it's discounted. Actually, I never would've normally ordered Starz (had TC+ for a while then dropped back to TC) so really it's kinda like buying something on-sale that you didn't want and saying you saved money (because it was on sale). Anyway, whatever it means, I'll take it...
  11. S

    $299 HD-DVR w/ $100 rebate

    Just took advantage of this great deal and got a couple extras! + $317.69 (HD DVR + tax) + $16.18 (s/h) ------------------- $333.87 (Initial cost) - $100.00 (MIR) - $30.00 ($5 off base package for 6 mos) - $30.00 ($5 off hd package for 6 mos) - $126.00 (hbo/sho...
  12. S

    Free Primestar Dish

    If you want it you'll have to come pick it up (North Dallas). If nobody wants it the garbage man gets it.
  13. S

    1000+ HD Chanels on D*, any E* rumors

    It seems that E* gets burned on a weekly basis about something they've promised that ends up blowing up in their face. SuperDish, 921 release, Firewire, NBR .. you name it! Their MO is to promise the moon and deliver a rock. If E* had any inclination of going head-to-head against D* current...
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    Dish Network Tech Chat (Feb 21st)

    You guys kill me with your loyalty to Charlie. These chats (and Charlie's promises) haven't changed a bit since I left back during the SuperDish/HD fiasco (18 months ago). I swear they'd get more accurate information by letting a chimp arbitrarily pull choices from a hat for release dates...
  15. S

    Voom for Sale, Will Dish Buy?

    I don't see why any of this matters. Even if Charlie buys Voom's assets he'll still continue to produce buggy hardware, mislead people about future upgrades, and take months and months even for minimal updates to the buggy software. Looks to me like nothing more than another big carrot to dangle...
  16. S

    Looking for answers... :)

    Neutron must have special issues with rain fade. I've had Dish Network and now have DirecTV. Rain fade has only ever occurred for me with hardcore thunderstorms (dark, black skies and heavy downpour, etc..) It happend the same with both services (Dish and DTV). Slight, moderate, and even...
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    Disk makes 6:00 news for being a deadbeat

    C'mon, the 921 was the FIRST HD-DVR for satellite -- and that's all that matters.
  18. S

    CBS And Viacom Are Back!!!!!

    Where did you see how much he paid for this deal?