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  1. techno935

    New townhome

    I can't see why they would complain about that. Thanks
  2. techno935

    New townhome

    Help me understand that part. Sorry for the lack of understanding
  3. techno935

    New townhome

    There is so much legalese. The class act of a lady specifically said the owner of the townhome rental community wants the place to look nice and will not allow satellite dishes in any way shape or form. Now, how would I go about fighting this?
  4. techno935

    New townhome

    Not sure if this should be in the tech forum or not but here goes...feel free to move it if needed. Just need some insight on an idea I have for a townhome community where satellite dishes are not allowed. I currently have DirecTV and I would be forced to cancel my account when I move...
  5. techno935

    Garage sale Viewmax HD

    Basically useless unless if you sell it back for more than $5 right? LOL
  6. techno935

    Garage sale Viewmax HD

    I was at a garage sale this past Saturday and the lady there was selling her Viewsat Max HD. I got it for $5 and figured it would be worth a shot. It has hackware on it, as expected. Has anyone ever had any luck with this unit? Can I flash it back to normal via USB or does it have to...
  7. techno935

    Back in the loop....

    I can always count on you Anole! Tron....4:2:2 has been quiet????
  8. techno935

    Back in the loop....

    I've finally settled with my girlfriend in Pompano Beach, FL and we got the dish back up. (yay!) So....I've been looking at my receivers and realizing what dinosaurs they've become. Is there or will there be a unit (other than the Azbox) that can do what is needed these days? Again...
  9. techno935

    Dish, FTA, one cable...can it be done?

    Isn't there a 4th port on that LNB for an LNB input?? Wouldn't that work? Been doing some reading on that 4th port.
  10. techno935

    Dish, FTA, one cable...can it be done?

    I have 2 cables coming into the apt. off the same LNB (built in switch) for a 722 and another for a 222. The kids are using the 222 and don't care about FTA. This should be lots of fun :)
  11. techno935

    Dish, FTA, one cable...can it be done?

    Those receivers need 100% uptime from what I've gathered on everyone's responses. It's a shame about the frequencies. I could use an A/B switch but that would bring downtime to the Dish receiver. I guess if I'm watching something on FTA or wannna play with FTA.....I'd have to experience...
  12. techno935

    Dish, FTA, one cable...can it be done?

    I've moved into apartment life and have had to settle for a Dish sub for the extended family. While getting ready for BB season, I'm ready to re-set up my motorized dish in the apartment patio. I'm limited to no drilling due to apartment restrictions and currently have two lines running...
  13. techno935

    Transfer video to 722k

    I'm in a one year lease with an apartment complex in Coral Springs. I have Dish Network with 4 kids in the house....'nuff said. Long story can I transfer downloaded video to my VIP 722's hard drive? Can it be done via ethernet? I've searched forums and I have found info on...
  14. techno935

    Best value for PVR with atsc tuner? (+ basic q)

    I remember the Coolsat 8100 HD being discussed and tested by Iceberg, and he mentioned that the very first version of firmware offered by Coolsat was for the OTA system only, and the EPG functioned properly. (NO SATELLITE FUNCTIONS!) If you get completely desperate for an EPG, I guess you...
  15. techno935

    Scored a Sonicview cheap

    I did get my refund. worries on that. People suck!
  16. techno935

    Scored a Sonicview cheap

    This really blows.... not the new toy...because I never got it. Why...apparently this is what I'm told. (Quote) Hi there, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I was not home for a few days. Paypal placed a hold on the funds again. I called them up today and they said that with new eBay...
  17. techno935

    Scored a Sonicview cheap

    Figured it was time for something that won't lock up all the time. Try something new. Plus I hear the program guide works's worth a shot.
  18. techno935

    Scored a Sonicview cheap

    8000 HD by the way. I'd never waste time or $ on a 360.
  19. techno935

    Scored a Sonicview cheap

    $124.00 shipped. Too good to be true? We will see, and I'll update. :) It's coming from Canada.
  20. techno935

    Lizard on the lookout

    He's on my AMC-9 (83 west) dish. I know someone here would appreciate this :)
  21. techno935

    WDTV vs. VLC

    Is there a possibility.... ...that the heavily discussed WDTV Live could decipher a live transport stream the same way the VLC does from TS reader? Theoretically....eliminating me having to sit at the PC to watch a 4:2:2 feed...instead....routing the .TS stream to the WDTV live and do it...
  22. techno935

    from Seagate FAT+, to what now?

    Fresh Youtube account did it. No downgrade needed. :)
  23. techno935

    from Seagate FAT+, to what now?

    Returned the Seagate and got the WDTV live. It had version 11 firmware on it. 1.00.11. I'm gonna create a fresh youtube account and see if maybe that solves it. If not, I'm downgrading to original firmware.
  24. techno935

    from Seagate FAT+, to what now?

    When I first plugged it in, the prompt came up. I clicked OK without thinking and there was that sinking feeling deep down. I knew I shouldn't have done it without playing around a bit 1st.
  25. techno935

    any ideas on HD tuner box w/ pvr or dvd recording?

    Couple of should work well. 1. Search Fleabay for DVD recorders with ATSC tuners 2. Try and score an LG-LST 3410A (it's a tuner with a hard drive) 3. Consider the Coolsat 8100 HD or Sonicview 8000 HD All of it is gonna be pricey except for the PC option. Get a robust PC...