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  1. S

    More billing problems

    No Lobo, that's because I don't want/need the service any more. That's the point. I called today and don't need the service as of today. I did the same when I cancelled DTV switching to Voom. With DTV no problem at all, service is cancelled as soon as you call, even got a refund for already...
  2. S

    More billing problems

    I cancelled service today. The REAL RIP OFF is that you have to pay until the equipment is picked up and reported by the Company as "returned", NOT the day you request disconnecting the service. NEVER have seen that before! What kind of business practice is that? As we all know, these...
  3. S

    New Theory About Microstutters...and Shocking News About Voom Guy Number 3's Father

    Dude, what kind of dope are you on, LOL It's one thing to say you don't see them, but this, rediculous, end of story.
  4. S

    New Theory About Microstutters...and Shocking News About Voom Guy Number 3's Father

    It's a "he" and he seems to have chosen the wrong message board for his psychotic effects.
  5. S

    Data rate measuring Doo-Hicky?

    Chet, I really hope you have luck with the new receiver. I just got a brand new one (specifically request it!) plus a 30" dish and still see the same PQ problems. All those "bit" numbers mean very little (relatively speaking), I mean, either you like the PQ, or you don't, no matter what...
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    New Theory About Microstutters...and Shocking News About Voom Guy Number 3's Father

    Man vurbano, never thought I have to say this, but I agree with you. :D Flame bait.
  7. S

    Why have it if Quality is bad :no

    Chet, kind of "misleading" your previous post! "Ignorance is bliss" for those who don't see it, of course. This doesn't lead anywhere.
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    Why have it if Quality is bad :no

    I wonder, what do you actually pay for it? Problems are mentioned here so that Voom can improve there service. I'm sure some people here AND at Voom appreciate it. That's why they monitor these boards in the first place. They don't monitor these boards just to hear "everything is great", no...
  9. S

    Why have it if Quality is bad :no

    Just because some don't see does not mean it's not there. I guess there are still people who don't see the "stutter" although the problem has already been confirmed by Wilt/Voom. If you don't see it, great, ignorance is bliss :)
  10. S

    Why have it if Quality is bad :no

    There are a variety of compression artifacts, just do a search on google and you have something to read. Basically here you don't want to see that "halo", or "shadow", around "sharp edges" (also see DVD Edge Enhancement for description of halos).
  11. S

    Why have it if Quality is bad :no

    It's not supposed to look like that :)
  12. S

    Why have it if Quality is bad :no

    Yes, very obvious! Check out DHDT too.
  13. S

    Why have it if Quality is bad :no

    Yeah, that's the problem with this kind of problem. It's not like a "black screen". I guess the only way to really show it to someone who does not see it is actually to point it out on the screen. It will be very difficult, if not impossible, to do that in a chat room, i.e., some will say...
  14. S

    "Sparklies" and Volume differences VOOM never heard of them

    Sparklies are a known problem, posted all over the place at Yahoo, so I'm sure Wilt is aware of it. I'm not surprised you got that answer.
  15. S

    Do you have microstutters?

    I have some short video/audio drop outs today on HBOHD. Seems like they are working on something.
  16. S

    Why have it if Quality is bad :no

    I see it right now on HBO, but it's not like you see it perfectly all the time. It's kind of like the chroma bug w/ DVD players, in certain scenes it's easy to see, in others it's not (you need to have at least a second, or two, with little or no motion)
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    Why have it if Quality is bad :no

    Sean, The problem is that we don't have "real time" in that chat room, that is, it is not like the stutter, which happens each 33 sec, you may have a scene where it is obvious, but that scene has past by the time you read the message. Do this, go right now to HBOHD (East) and watch "The...
  18. S

    Why have it if Quality is bad :no

    9:00 pm is fine with me.
  19. S

    Why have it if Quality is bad :no

    Not so Vreesar, there are lots of people here who don't see the "stutter" problem, but it has been confirmed by Voom/Wilt, and it IS there.
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    Why have it if Quality is bad :no

    :) I just did that, all brand new equipment, NOT used. Specifically requested a brand new receiver. It's NOT the equipment. It's either a compression problem (typically this kind of halos ARE a compression problem), or hopefully, a software problem somehow related to the fps issue in the...
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    Why have it if Quality is bad :no

    I have a brand new receiver (2nd one) plus a 30" dish peaked at 98. I'm on the East coast. OTA runs at 88- 95 depending on channel. I doubt it.
  22. S

    Why have it if Quality is bad :no

    Your fifth point makes sense to me.