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  1. ShinNYC

    DirecTV HD box question

    Yep, it can run audio through DVI but there is no stereo output. Thx for the tips everyone.
  2. ShinNYC

    DirecTV HD box question

    I have a Samsung 226BW LCD Monitor and I would like to know if I can use it as a TV monitor in my room with the HD box from directv, it can support both DVI and VGA/RGB. What kind of receiver do you recommand? And do you think the audio setup will be fine? For more info on the monitor...
  3. ShinNYC

    Issue with dvi/vga in my new PC

    I got a new 226BW 22" Samsung Monitor and I tried the dvi port directly and I still didn't receive any signal from my video card. I'm starting to think that the video card was damaged or has a DOA. I'll change it and see if the problem is resolved after that.
  4. ShinNYC

    Issue with dvi/vga in my new PC

    Well my monitor is kinda old so it doesn't have a dvi port in it, I will get a new monitor obviously and hopefully it will work fine...If not I may have to switch my video card, it's still under warranty.
  5. ShinNYC

    Issue with dvi/vga in my new PC

    Hmmm I don't think so, here are the specifications: Ports DVI 2 TV-Out HDTV / S-Video Out VIVO No General Tuner None RAMDAC 400 MHz Max Resolution 2560 x 1600 SLI Supported Yes Cooler With Fan Dual-Link DVI Supported Yes HDCP Ready Yes Packaging Package Contents...
  6. ShinNYC

    Issue with dvi/vga in my new PC

    Hello everyone, I built a new rig around an ASUS M2N-SLi deluxe motherboard, an AMD X2 6400+ 3.2Ghz processor and an evga 8800GT 512MB video card. After some problems I got my pc running fine until I found out that my old lcd monitor is not turning on when i use 2 vga/dvi adapters and the dvi...
  7. ShinNYC

    Sony sticks foot in Mouth again, Film at 11.

    I'm a PS2/PS1 fanboy.Should I be upset?
  8. ShinNYC

    Any Final Fantasy Fans?

    Played them all. I really like FF7, FF10, FF8 and FF6(FF3 in NA). Btw if you like RPGs you should try Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger, Xenogears, Secret of Mana and Vagrant Story.
  9. ShinNYC

    GRAND PRIZE - DishStore.NET Giveaway!

    Thanks Claude. Add me to win please.
  10. ShinNYC

    Toshiba HD-A2 HDDVD Player - Enter To Win!

    Enter me to win please.
  11. ShinNYC

    MyBook 320GB External USB Hard Drive - Enter To Win

    I wanna win. Add me to the list.
  12. ShinNYC

    9" Portable DVD Player - Enter To Win

    Count me in please.
  13. ShinNYC

    What will you do with your SDTV 2009.

    I still have one that I use in the bedroom, I'll probably get rid of it in 2008 for a LCD HDTV(speaking of that I need advice on buying a 37-40" LCD HDTV for under $800).
  14. ShinNYC

    Motley Fool: Date XBox, Marry Wii, Kill Playstation

    Stupidest comment ever probably. Speechless.
  15. ShinNYC

    Wii: over 4.5M sold worldwide

    The Gamecube and N64 sold a lot when they came out..the Dreamcast too(best selling console ever in the first months of launch until the wii came)...You know the rest.
  16. ShinNYC

    PS3 Question: Downloading...

    Yes it's close to 99% backwards compatibility. You can look for each PS2 game and its status on the PS3 here:
  17. ShinNYC

    PS3 reached it's apex already?

    They had a better launch than the xbox360 which is doing very well now, NA only numbers: Week Console 1 Date Monthly Total Console 2 Date Monthly Total 1 PS3 Nov 06 226,000 226,000 X360 Nov 05 362,000 362,000 2 PS3 Dec 06 554,500 780,500 X360 Dec 05 312,500 674,500 Add that in Japan PS3...
  18. ShinNYC

    Oblivion better on PS3

    I never played it(old PC and I don't have a xbox360) so I may get it once I get the PS3.
  19. ShinNYC

    Sega's Virtua Tennis to Be X360's First Native 1080p Title

    EA responded by saying that NBA Street Homecourt will be 1080p on the xbox360 too and is coming out before Virtua Tennis 3. EDIT: It was NBA Street Homecourt. Fixed.
  20. ShinNYC

    UT2k3 coming to the 360 YES!!!!

    Mark Rein the head of Epic never said it won't come on the xbox360, he just wanted to have a confirmation from microsoft that they'll allow mods on their console. Looking forward to the PC or PS3 version. Btw it's UT3 not UT2k3.
  21. ShinNYC

    PS3 reached it's apex already?

    Besides the price that's what is bothering me now in the PS3: Lack of friendly games or great games in general. The Release date for games look promising for 2007 and 2008 tho.