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  1. D

    Another ongoing 522 issue

    I just had this happen to me! It has happened a few times the last couple of days. There have been some nice thunderstorms in my area and I guess the signal was lost. When I turn on the TV... the signal screen is just sitting there. Then you have to change the channel and all is well again. You...
  2. D

    Charging for movies not ordered!

    This has happened to myself and a couple other people I have talked to. I got my bill from the Dish one day and found a couple charges for smut movies on my bill. The movies were "ordered" around 7am on a weekday. My girl leaves for work around 730am and I sleep till at least 11am. Neither one...
  3. D

    Considering DishNetwork

    The main reason that I switched was the price. I had cable and paid $50 a month for BASIC service. I had 60 channels with no DVR, no program guide, no digital reception. I now pay $46 a month which is not much of a savings, BUT I now get DVR, a nice program guide, digital reception, and 120...
  4. D

    Satellite N00b - Getting 522

    Bye-Bye Adelphia!!!! I had them too, and just switched to Dish Network. Adelphia has to be the most overpriced entertainment service out there! Good move getting rid of those money hungry thieves. Ever notice that if you go to their website, they only post the "deals" for services? Try...
  5. D

    Just Got my 522....and it is sweet! So long cable....

    I would love to get those cards and watch my bill get lower, and lower! It is already lower as compared to the stupid cable bills I had to pay. When you can get more for can people not buy into that? There are too many plusses that the dish has over cable. Less $$ is a great selling...
  6. D

    Just Got my 522....and it is sweet! So long cable....

    See ya later Adelphia cable crooks, I just got my Dish Network service with the 522 box installed today! I have heard the pro's and the con's all over the internet including this message board. I have to say that I have not really had it long enough for any problems to spring up yet...
  7. D


    I just signed up with Dish Network. I hope this is not what I should expect from their company. I feel your pain. Since the internet is a great tool for people to communicate, and voice their displeasure, I can't believe some companies still try to get away with such bogus tactics. The word gets...
  8. D

    Installation questions....what will the installer do?

    I bought one of those special satellite cable splitters to use from RadioShack. That should work....I hope. Is it up to him if he wants to put in all new cable lines? I am sure the old ones would work, but I might want to start a new. I do not want him to leave and have the picture not be %100...
  9. D

    Installation questions....what will the installer do?

    I have never had the dish before. When the guy comes to install it, would he use the same coax cable that I already have that connected my cable TV's? Also, if I have a satellite splitter, would he hook that up for me, or do they frown on that kind of thing? I bought a DVR 522, and have 3 TV's...
  10. D

    Dish questions

    Can you tell me what single mode is? Also, since I just signed up for the Dish Network, could you tell me things I might need to know. The ins and outs you might say, pros and cons. Tips and suggestions. What should I expect as far as service goes, etc. I think customers are far better for...