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  1. LeroyLudlow

    Charlie Says HI!

    Reminds me of the Charlie Chat days. That was pretty cool..
  2. LeroyLudlow

    Satellite TV’s Orbit Is Failing Fast

    The GOV is too busy policing themselves...
  3. LeroyLudlow

    No sound unless you restart Joey or pull out HDMI and plug back in.

    Might see if a Firmware update is available for your TV.
  4. LeroyLudlow

    external hard drives what is the best?

    Has anyone tried an SSD Drive? Prices are coming down and was thinking it may help with some of the start up and recognition issues.
  5. LeroyLudlow

    HBO/Cinemax Takedown

    Add me to the thanks for auto cancel list. If and when HBO returns I'll kiss em' good bye.
  6. LeroyLudlow

    I REALLY hate to say this out loud (EHD related)

    Has anyone tried to use an SSD drive with any success?
  7. LeroyLudlow

    Dish Anywhere App keeps losing authorization

    Same here for that issue. If I don't log in for a while it requires re-authorization. I do notice after the last App update the player on my firestick is more stable.
  8. LeroyLudlow

    ME TV On Dish

    I hope that happens ME TV is great!
  9. LeroyLudlow

    Is KTLA available on dish?

    I have searched Roku and Firestick for a KTLA app none found. There newscasts are good background noise while doing things around the house. You can find the newscast streamed with a browser on the Firestick. A bit of work but it works.
  10. LeroyLudlow

    Is KTLA available on dish?

    Thanks for all the replies. I do miss the nightly car chases in L.A. broadcast on KTLA. I do have MLB so I wont miss the Dodger Games! But I will miss Samantha when she joins the team and will suffer with only the small screen...
  11. LeroyLudlow

    Is KTLA available on dish?

    I've read in a few threads that some subscribers are able to receive KTLA as a maybe a superstation or within some type of package. Is that channel available? I live in Tucson AZ. Thanks in Advance
  12. LeroyLudlow

    Program Guide Snafu

    HaHa have seen a few of these as well!!
  13. LeroyLudlow

    Best EHD for the Hopper 3

    That might be a good solution for me as well. Besides it's always more fun to make it yourself!
  14. LeroyLudlow

    Best EHD for the Hopper 3

    Went to Wal-Mart. I tried a Seagate 2.5 2TB drive. It was not self powered. It worked after opening and closing the transfer function on-screen a few times but not reliable at all, so it went back to Wal-mart. Looks like in my case I am going to have to bite the bullet and spend a few bucks. I...
  15. LeroyLudlow

    Best EHD for the Hopper 3

    Thanks for the info. I have used several other stand up type drives in the past with the Hopper and VIP and they just don't seem to last. On my way to Wal-mart now.
  16. LeroyLudlow

    Best EHD for the Hopper 3

    That's a great price. I am having trouble finding an affordable drive with a separate power supply.
  17. LeroyLudlow

    Best EHD for the Hopper 3

    Looking to get a 2TB EHD for my Hopper 3. Any suggestions or experience appreciated. I like the look of the bookcase style as I place it right near my Hopper. Thanks all!!
  18. LeroyLudlow

    Late start recording Criminal Minds Wed. 4/11

    I also had a problem with Criminal Minds this week. I have had a new episode timer set for some time with no problems. Today I went to watch the program and it says 1.03 record time but I have nothing but a black screen for 1 hour. It shows correct heading but no show. I just chalked it up to...
  19. LeroyLudlow

    Friday The 13th Cinemax Hd Suprise? No, But a May 4th Debut!

    Check out Fox Sports Schedule Leroy
  20. LeroyLudlow

    So, what is up with all the HD games.

    In checking Fox sports Prime and West website, there isn't too much broadcast in HD at this time. Next week we will see some Dodgers and Giants games but that's about it. Maybe this is what Charlie meant by (not enough content) Leroy
  21. LeroyLudlow

    Eyewitness news!

    Withay I to have had some pretty good breaking up with KABC LA this was pretty good till about 2 weeks ago when it came back again. I am no expert but I believe the problem lies with Dish and the 129 SAT and or the LIL mepg4. OTA in comparision works great with no audio sync concerns. Maybe...
  22. LeroyLudlow

    Official 622 L4.01 Discussion Thread

    I too have had an increase in OTA signal, about 5 points, no other problems since L4.01 Ted