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  1. Rick0725

    wireless internet connection for vod

    is this the right gadget to connect the wireless internet to the hr20 for vod. A wired internet connection would be difficult Linksys - 802.11g Wireless Gaming Adapter - WGA54G if not point me in the right direction
  2. Rick0725

    phone line and using internet phone system

    you can use a cable modem based phone system with directv. you would just disconnect/cancel the cable tv service portion, use the existing phone system/lines, and connect a phone line to the directv unit. not an issue. I use time warner for phone, verizon fios for internet. If the cable...
  3. Rick0725

    What we are hearing...

    If you are -getting a decent sat signal 85-100 -ch 480 and 481 is successful -you have the right multiswitch -you are not diplexing ota -all connectors fully tightened logically the only issue left is the link between the unit , the cable and the tv (if ch 480 and 481 work), and the tv...
  4. Rick0725

    103°B Am i screwd? / Directv New HD Stuff

    no new channels here at 6:30 am
  5. Rick0725

    HR20-100 Problems

    I noticed the exact same thing with our 2 hr20-100's the last week or so. the picture would lock. Resetting the unit seems to correct it for a day or so and it happens again. Wonder if it is new software version related.
  6. Rick0725

    Need help choosing OTA antenna

    These types of threads are starting to get rather old. do you want to revisit the antenna issue again in 2009? The stations in question are going to vhf in 2009 according to fcc records. Do you want a little cushion and the best signal possible? Do you want to screw around and/or become...
  7. Rick0725

    Does CM4221 get Upper VHF?

    the cm 4221 is not typically suggested for hi band vhf use. if you take that chance, the conditions are just right, and it works you lucked out. but for internet advice, I prefer to advise on the cm4228 since most want to purchase just one antenna and not be stuck with one if the antenna does...
  8. Rick0725

    Does CM4221 get Upper VHF?

    The gain for hi band vhf on the cm4221 is -18 to 0 dbd. For hi band vhf purchase the cm4228...end of story. You should know better by now!!! WTF
  9. Rick0725

    All my OTA locals are 73 miles away. Is there any antenna I can buy that will reach?

    there are no quarantees for 70+ miles so you will need the best choices of antennas and as much height as possible. separates will outperform combos Therefore disagree with the antenna choices so far. uhf KFOR-DT 4.1 NBC OKLAHOMA CITY OK 40° 6.0 27 uhf KWTV-DT 9.1 CBS OKLAHOMA CITY...
  10. Rick0725

    HR20-700 / Aug. 24 & 25 / {CE:09:01} - 0x190

    I had 2 hr20's installed saturday afternoon as part of an upgrade at my home. I stumbled across this thread and updated the softwore on both units about midnight last night. to my surprise one was a 100 and the other was a 700. everything downloaded and upgraded fine. I noticed 1 thing...
  11. Rick0725

    Considering an LG DR787T and axing my Voom

    the LG DR787T has a digital tuner but will not output 720p and 1080i hd but down converts to 480i/480p. I almost purchased one till I read the fine print. so avoid it if you are looking for hd.
  12. Rick0725

    CM 4228 and multipath Help needed!

    You need to first determine if you actually have multipath, need to make sure your antenna is properly aimed, and be aware of the fact that it may be a challenge to find a sweetspot (antenna aimed down the middle so to speak) reception wise with your current antenna. multipath diagnosis...
  13. Rick0725

    hd station dropping out constantly at 100%

    the antenna is a multidirectional, really can not be aimed to tame multipath or peak signal, the amp has a tadd bit too high gain, and does a poor job taming multipath. the dish 622 has a very tempermental ota tuner, diplexing signal with that unit is problematic at times, and a marginal...
  14. Rick0725

    New guy looking for advice

    the 91xg should perform better on uhf than the radio shack by a few db. keep in mind, with overload (from too high amp gain) your aim may be off because the signal level can go up when you aim away from the towers and go down when you aim towards the tower. therefore your bearing can get all...
  15. Rick0725

    New guy looking for advice

    your results are puzzling. the 91xg has more gain on uhf than the vu 190. the 91 xg out performs the uhf on my hd8200p and even did better on some channels than the cm4228 when I compared antennas last year. -check inside the connectors to make sure the braid is not wrapped around the...
  16. Rick0725

    Disappointed with Silver Sensor. Other antenna suggestions?

    the new cm4220 2 bay is more than 1/2 the price of the db-2, a little larger, and works better. you are experiencing poor reception indoors 9 miles from the towers which may be due to signal blockage, reflections common in urban areas...
  17. Rick0725

    91Xg Antenna and CM 7777 preamp

    the switch inside the amp is set to "separate" in order to utilize the separate vhf and uhf ports on the preamp. If you desire to receive fm in your setup, the switch is set to "out". if you do not wish to receive fm or if you experience interference due to strong fm signals set the fm...
  18. Rick0725

    91Xg Antenna and CM 7777 preamp

    You can combine your combo antenna with the 91xg through a cm7777 or cm7778 with the internal switch set to separate. the 2 antennas should be spaced at least 3.5' apart. the ports are isolated by 30db which is adequate. I have tried adding filtering and have found very little improvement...
  19. Rick0725

    Reception Help

    try the cm7777 preamp and see what happens. only thing to look out for is overload. the first sign is the signal level will go down some and going up as you point away from the towers. if you look at old style analog pictures, look out for co-channel interference etc. in regards to the...
  20. Rick0725

    Reception Help

    the best you can do is try to receive signal with what you have. the cm7777 may overload your system since you have several stations rather close. try to find a signal sweetspot when you aim to receive as many signals as you can. I am not going to speculate the success with the trek...
  21. Rick0725

    No Weatherproof Boot?

    sounds like a great plan. suggest a 91xg for uhf mounted on top...light in weight, great performer, and can mount the two antennas on a shorter mast with the proper spacing between the 2 antennas. just be careful with your preamp selection. the cm7777 is not suggested in the yellow antennaweb...
  22. Rick0725

    get them all with no rotation???

    please copy and paste the antenna web results from your exact address
  23. Rick0725

    Digital signal strength??

    which antenna were you interested in? btw -solid signal carries the line at a discount.
  24. Rick0725

    How far can you reach???

    -the main mast is attached to the side of the home - trimmed a 10' heavy duty mast to about 7.5 ft. -do not use guy wires...used 1.25" emt conduit cut and shaped to fit. one end clamped just below the rotor and the other end bolted to the roof. the emt setup is very sturdy and something to...
  25. Rick0725

    How far can you reach???

    come out in the summer. have a pool and a refrigerator for the beer