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  1. S

    XM has started

    One more post, then hopefully I can delete the dummy ones. :-P
  2. S

    XM has started

    To get up to 5 posts because the board is telling me I'm posting a URL, when I'm really not!
  3. S

    Channel 879

    Great O&A show today! Not the best they've ever done, but very high on the entertaining scale.
  4. S

    XM has started

    At 6am Eastern, all of the Music Choice channels vanished from the guide, then the XM channels began appearing in blocks for the next 5 or so minutes. Initially, all the song tags had the names of other channels (i.e. 50s on 5 came up as the title, artist, and CD on another channel). Then the...
  5. S

    Channel 879

    I'm off of work tomorrow, and can't WAIT to check out XM High Voltage with Opie & Anthony from the comfort of my recliner in front of my TV! I hope either that the recording restrictions are taking off of the TiVO OR the program guide accurately depicts what show is on so I that can set a Wish...