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  1. F

    r10 questions (yet another)

    Thank you everyone for your advice! I've never actually read/posted to a tech-type forum before. It was a big help and I placed my order today! In case anyone is looking to get Directv with Tivo... Direc4u is offering the r10 for $50 + $50 mail in rebate for a total price of $0! Not bad...
  2. F

    r10 questions (yet another)

    What kind of packages? Like Pay per view type things? Also, how does the box get information about the television lineup? Does it do that through the satellite feed or the phone line? Please excuse my ignorance, I'm really lost on things like this.
  3. F

    r10 questions (yet another)

    Hi, everyone, I'm a complete newbie. I've tried searching through the forums but still had to ask a question. Please excuse my redundance. I'm looking into getting Directv. I would really prefer to not have to get a land line. I understand that, with some non-directv dvr's, they are...