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  • Users: luis2
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  1. luis2

    55.5 west

    To all Portugues the rtp hd now the signal are good for the dish 7/1/2 and 8 ft and maybe even for the 6 ft in ontario Canada .Signal always good for the 10 ft dish
  2. luis2

    OTHER X2 Premium HD PVR Satellite Receiver

    yes I have one for two weeks.Good box good picture
  3. luis2

    OTHER X2 Premium HD PVR Satellite Receiver

    I have one direct from china $107 Canada shipping include.Good but need improvements to new.But one year from now the receiver are one good investment very good picture.Ali Expresse
  4. luis2


    no link for now
  5. luis2


    X square tech .Very soon in the market one new receiver better more sensitive then the x2 built in WIFI Ethernet Port and 2 usb ports etc.I can't wait for one.
  6. luis2

    AZBOX AzBox miniMe American edition version 1.84 firmware

    1.86 I'm getting the same problems picture freeze when I move from channel to channel on the favors and on the satellites to.But did that on the 1.70 . And need to reboot the receiver to many times.I have channels from 139 west to t12 15 west on all my receivers. All working but minime don't...
  7. luis2

    X2 premium

    I'm not supplier I just like the box if the biss keys are a problem .My friend in Ontario to many Free to air stores selling free to air have receivers do ks biss keys and price over $150 to $300.Remember The post are for one good simple Receiver good blind scan and very good price.I just like...
  8. luis2

    X2 premium

    Please American.Don't say that are one offence to the rest of the world
  9. luis2

    AZBOX miniMe ?

    Simple don't buy one .I have one and don't deserv the $225 canad
  10. luis2

    X2 premium

    Ti If you made one good box like x2 for $58 canad .I don't have problems to buy the box.But it's time to stop complain about the illegal and illegal.X2 are one good box for the price and legal .Only illegal because you and most north america and Europa suppliers like to sale the same receivers...
  11. luis2

    X2 premium

    Carlos but are better then Rick's satellite
  12. luis2


    X2 premium hd jan 25/2014 new file solve ftp improve Iptv and wifi
  13. luis2

    X2 premium

    The vantage vt1$650 and don't do ac3 in nort america all boxs have bugs compare $650 to $58 legal no legal no complains
  14. luis2

    X2 premium

    I like the post thank you
  15. luis2

    X2 premium

    no complains for the price because I have one of the best receivers vantage vt1 very expensive very good to.The x2 for the price are one very good receiver.I no the Micro and the Micro in all the time but not perfect made in the usa?
  16. luis2

    X2 premium

    China Yes typically in China and better then most receivers the price are over two hundred dollars
  17. luis2

    X2 premium

    From China to Canada $58 shipping include the X2 good box blind scan the best simple box .Compare to the two azbox I have premium plus and minime the blind scan not compare .The two vantages vt1 and vantage 1100hd are good to.But For the price x2 the best .Good support for now and 80 satellites...
  18. luis2

    Amiko Allien 2 Vs AZ Box Mini Me

    Minime Pwrsurge I don't complaine the box are better on the 1.70 but need more updates.And the vantage vt1 cust $600 compare to $200 About Mr.Caylor did don't like az Canada I no .I ope azbox Canada improve because are good for the azbox and for the economics and for free to air ?
  19. luis2

    Amiko Allien 2 Vs AZ Box Mini Me

    Pwrsurge the minime are better but long to be one good blind scan compare to the receivers I have vantage vt1 vantage 1100 azboxpremium plus .The minime have one long way to go.Missing to many channels special on the c band manual scan are ok
  20. luis2

    Looking for FREE Music channels (DVB-S or DVB-S2)

    at 116west did have few channels very good english french and spanich
  21. luis2

    Tv meio nort video 4.2.2

    A ?t 55.5 tv meio nort at 4112 v s2 are 4.2.2 now because the vantage vt1 and 1100 did have signal strong and no picture but the azbox premium plus and minime did have the picture.
  22. luis2

    AZBOX MiniMe Problems

    yes pwrsurge I have 51 satellites program on all receivers azbox premium plus vantage vt1 vantage 1100 and final after four hours on the azbox minime because did freeze and the delay on the setup for ports lnbs.All rerceivers working good .But the minime no. One more thing I stop the receiver...
  23. luis2

    signal levels

    Fat air Thank you. I did one installation .And setup the 36 inch dish and on the coolsat 5000 firmware 100 I have 94 Quality .But then I find Four new coolsats 5000 for $120 .Because same times I do same installations for the portugues on the rtp at 97 west.And I find the firmware third party...
  24. luis2

    signal levels

    I have one coolsat 5000 on the firmware 100 only and quality at 97 west are 94 .Then I install the firmware 100 and then the v.06 third party.signal levels are set to Oem 100 levels on the different Coolsat 5000 an on the 97 west same place and the signal are only 76.Are better more realistic...
  25. luis2

    AZBOX MiniMe Problems

    Azbox minime azbox minime 1.50 problems 1.56 problem fix one thing and have one new problem .I never see like azbox never fix the basic things like blind scan the freeze on the box the setup for ports lnbs etc.And now Iptv channels please.One more thing I have to change my name from Tanka to...