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  1. O

    Hopper Closed Caption help

    It most likely wouldn't have said anything about language. It would have just had selections for "CC1" and "CC2". edit: Here's an older Dish tutorial for it. It doesn't show the menu, but it mentions exactly what I'm talking about.
  2. O

    Hopper Closed Caption help

    So they recently changed it? I could have sworn there was an option on my old DVR before I switched to the Hopper.
  3. O

    Hopper Closed Caption help

    Hi, How do I change the CC to a different language? Say I'm watching a Spanish channel and I know for a fact that it supports both Spanish and English subtitles, but it defaults to Spanish. How do I change it? I don't see an option in the menu. The only options there are color, size, opacity...