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  1. J

    Statement from DISH - Not Getting the New HD?

    Just called tech support to try to get the new HD. Currently have 110/119/61.5 wing. After telling them that I'm a 10 yr customer & they should upgrade me to eastern arc for free they said that there currently is a EA upgrade program for $1 and 2yr commitment, so I took it since I'm not going...
  2. J

    NYC Locals Issues?

    I have this problem on both my 622 & 211 so its not a receiver problem. I also have my locals via an antenna and the signal strenght on my antenna droped about 10% the last week.
  3. J

    Optical out: Line or RF Mode?

    Which mode should I use to go to my Yamaha 5760. Line mode or RF mode? I'm using the optical out for DD/PCM.
  4. J

    HD Net Movies Brightness up Really High!

    After Rocky the next movies were OK. I hoped they fixed the problem.
  5. J

    HD Net Movies Brightness up Really High!

    This past week I watched High Society, Oliver and I'm now watching Rocky and the brightness on this channel is up really high. The colors are all washed out. I have to drop the brightness on my 60"SXRD about 9 clicks. All my other channels are normal. I called Dish to let them know about it...
  6. J

    Who is having problems with HDMI with 211/411/622

    Well it finally happened, the HDMI went out on my 211. First green screen, than nothing. The 211 is almost 1 year old. I called tech support & they offered to send out a replacement immediantly. Wow, no hassel.
  7. J

    My upgrade plan's

    Jimmy One question I have Is if I were to upgrade one of my 811's would the other one still be able to pick up the MPEG2 HD.
  8. J

    My upgrade plan's

    I'm not going to upgrade my two 811's that I own until DISH offers two 211's for no upgrade fee and I get to own them with no lease fee. In the mean time DISH will not get anymore money from me to get any more HD. I already get all my locals off my antenna so all I'll be missing is the 5 new...
  9. J

    For Sale: Dish 4900 Reciever

    Price drop. Now $50.00 shipped.
  10. J

    For Sale: Dish 4900 Reciever

    I have for sale a 4900 reciever with Blue IR remote that works perfectly. Used in a second bedroom about 5 hours/week for about 2 years. Reciever was just upgraded to the yellow card. No balance on the card. The 4900 has Dish Home and has an optical out which will give you Dolby Digital 5.1...
  11. J

    Dish giving current HD customers $5 HD pack

    I didn't see my credit so I called. The CSR told me it is only for 811's purchased in Nov,2004. I've had mine since Nov, 2003 with the Hd pak. I can't believe they aren't giving it to me when I've had the hd pak for almost 2 years.
  12. J

    "Choppy" or "skipping" video

    Yes. I have this problem since 269 with my 811 using s-video on SD programing.
  13. J

    269 Bug list

    I'm also getting the studdering on SD stations via S-video.
  14. J

    269 Bug list

    In the last couple of days I have noticed I have this random studdering problem. I didn't have it before 269. This was definitly caused with 269. the studdering happens quite often.
  15. J

    269 is great..but I lost an OTA!!

    I read on that wabc channel 7 NY is down for a few weeks do to work on the transmitter.
  16. J

    269 is here, dark picture problem fixed!

    Poke If your not having a dark picture issue with your 811 its because your not watching SD via composite or s-video. Please dont confuse the issue by saying your not having a problem when your not using those outputs.
  17. J

    269 is here, dark picture problem fixed!

    Kryspy If your happy with a really dark picture just say so.
  18. J

    269 is here, dark picture problem fixed!

    As an update to my previous post, When viewing a vcr with the new settings the vcr picture is extremely bright. When the brightness is taken down 7 notches the picture is fine. But when switching back to SD satellite via s-video the picture is too dark. This is the real test. Calibrate the...
  19. J

    269 is here, dark picture problem fixed!

    The dark S-video problem is improved to where I can use the same brightness settings for S-video, component, my VCR via composite and DVD player without switching between different setup menus. Luckily My DVD player has individual brightness settings. However my brightness settings are still...
  20. J

    New software

    The dark S-video problem is improved to where I can use the same brightness settings for S-video, component, my VCR via composite and DVD player without switching between different setup menus. Luckily My DVD player has individual brightness settings. However my brightness settings are still...
  21. J

    New 811 Problem

    Yes, I have had this problem too.
  22. J

    811 Side black bar question?

    That would work if only the 811 stretch modes would actually work in SD.
  23. J

    Problem with Sony Direct view and 811

    You're correct. Dish is only broadcasting CBS-HD on channel 9483. I'm using a radio shack yagi antenna(R-75U) in my attic for pulling in HD 35 miles from NY. If you're within 75 miles this antenna might work for you if mounted outside. Go to type in your address and it will tell...