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    Recording follow-up. I'm not familiar with OTA module? I have some diplexers on hand. When I previously used them to combine SAT/ OTA signals the OTA reception was poor. Since then I have relocated antenna into attic and also ran a dedicated OTA line to each TV. The reception is great. If I...
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    Currently have 2-301 DISH receivers and 2-HD TVs. Would like the capabilty to record programming when not at home. If I go route of DVR won't I be required to run a coax from #1 TV > #2 TV or continue to pay subscription fee on 2nd 301? With DVR set up can #2 TV access Over The Air broadcast?
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    Dish Pro Equipment & UHF Antenna

    I think I understand, I will need 4- Holland DPD2 Diplexers for TVs #1 & #2. Will also need 3 tap splitter > Outports 1 & 2 to feed UHF Signal to each diplexer and 3rd outport to feed #3 TV directly with UHF only signal?
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    Dish Pro Equipment & UHF Antenna

    Where do I find splitter & diplexers rated for Dish Pro equipment?
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    Dish Pro Equipment & UHF Antenna

    Currently have 2 TVs connected to DP 301 receivers and a 3rd TV viewing OTA only. I would like to connect outside UHF Antenna to all 3 TVs without running anymore coaxs into my home. What equipment do I need? Thanks :)
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    Getting Connectors on coax easier?

    I use Compression style connectors & have no problem attaching. But the connectors don't swivel very good when attaching & removing!
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    DP-301 Receivers & VHF/UHF Antenna

    With the advent of local channels going digital I will need an Outdoor VHF/UHF. Presently I have 2- DISH Pro 301 Receivers and watch analog local channel via rabbitt ears but the digital signal isn't strong enough using indoor antenna. What do I need to combine Sat signal with Outdoor VHF/UHF...
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    Losing 148 signal for unknown reason.

    Only one receiver hooked to 148 via DP-21 switch.
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    Losing 148 signal for unknown reason.

    Update: unplugged receiver ran another Check Switch and signal returned. Still don't know why this happens? Haven't had any power outages.
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    Losing 148 signal for unknown reason.

    How come I lose 148 signal? Sun can be shining and signal will disappear. No trees in the way. Comes back mysteriously the way it was lost. Running Check Switch during outage always comfirms everything but 148 signal. Have powered receiver down by holding in on power button. Comes back the same.
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    Losing Sat 148 on occasion

    Sorry got onto wrong forum
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    Losing Sat 148 on occasion

    I can be receiving Sat 148. fine in the morning but in the evening signal lost. Comes & goes. Run a check switch. Switch acknowledges 101 & 119 but 2nd port none. What gives. Dish has clear view no trees.
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    Dish Network is weatherproof??????

    Last thunderstorm we had here, 110 was lost but 119 signal remained. I have DISH Pro 500 equipment. I thought with that LNB during bad weather if you lost one the other side would be lost also?
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    Free DVRs

    Haven't seen his bill but Boba's explanation seems to answer how he does it.
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    Free DVRs

    I have a friend who claims he has received 3 DVRs from DISH free of charge. Customer rep charges him then posts a credit later. I have saw all 3, unboxed one of them myself & hooked up for him. He subscribes to every channel possible. I know new customers can receive DVR free. I tried this route...
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    Define cascading. Circuit terms please.

    Cascading - series Cascading - parallel
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    Local channel politics

    "From the way you worded your question, you were wondering why you have to get say NY or LA distant channels as oppose to just the next DMA over?" Thats the beef I have. I would rather have my own State news than some state 1,000 miles away.
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    Local channel politics

    No need to go over who gets local channels. My parents don't. An antenna will get them local ABC, PBS and nothing :mad: Could a large outcry (letter campaign to Senators & Representatives or whatever) from the public get legislation changed so viewers must not have far away stations crammed...
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    XM Receiver from E-Bay,unpaid balance?

    Today I received the XM radio. Called XM with the ID and there was no balance!!! Whew
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    XM Receiver from E-Bay,unpaid balance?

    It is a little late to ask this question but I purchased a used XM receiver from E-Bay. If there is a unpaid balance linked to this receiver's ID #. Won't I have to pay that before I can activate? :confused:
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    Hackers still going strong.

    I was :shocked when I heard through the grape vine how the Hackers are prospering. In a chat room I was approached with opportunity to enlist their services. I was told to purchase a Model 2300 "E" box and this person could retrofit it with a "toggle switch" and I would have all channels at my...
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    18" dish with square tube. LNB d-shape

    How can I connect Dual LNB d-shape, to a 18" dish with a square lnb tube?
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    DISH Pro 500 receive 61.5

    Can a DISH Pro 500 be aimed to receive 61.5? :cool: Correctly done I need a DISH 300 Pro Dual LNB, right? :confused: What I lying around extra is the DISH Pro 500.
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    XM Radio Car Kit needed

    XM radio car kit How about using the FM modulator? Will this replace the Cassette adapter?
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    XM Radio Car Kit needed

    I have the SkyFi plus Boom box.