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  1. DocNyr

    Can I use Dish Network Superdish?

    Thanks for your very prompt reply. Since I am a noob at this FTA stuff, what do I need to do to connect the Dish Network superdish to the FTA receiver and get a pic to my tv? When you say stacked LNB and H Transponders etc... that is all greek to me. I am totally ignorant about these things...
  2. DocNyr

    Can I use Dish Network Superdish?

    Hi I am getting a dish network superdish. Can I use that for FTA in conjunction with an FTA receiver? Or do I need another dish outside? Thanks
  3. DocNyr

    newb needs info... totally lost

    Thanks for the info PSB... Now, what equipment will I need, how much will it cost, and where do i get it from. When you talk about analog, etc... I don't know what the hell that means... so, please be patient.... Thanks.... Also, what do I look out for when ordering the stuff? My house does...
  4. DocNyr

    newb needs info... totally lost

    Thanks for your input... But any idea of how much something like what i wanted might cost? I just want a ball park number so that I am not taken to the cleaners. Many thanks.
  5. DocNyr

    newb needs info... totally lost

    So, which of the dealers here has a rep in Allentown, PA? I would want someone to come to my place and fix the whole system up and then demo it to me. I am very bad in term of technology so this has to be a turnkey type project. What would it cost? Thanks for your help
  6. DocNyr

    newb needs info... totally lost

    Hi. I am writing to you after just moving to Eastern PA. I was wondering what my options are... Here is my situation... I want to watch college football games that are not being broadcast here since ABC uses some regional preferences and has decided for me what I SHOULD be watching! So, I am...