Search results for query: *

  1. drodenbo

    Can the 522 audio drops be fixed?

    Well, to be honest, I really do love my 522. Its positives far outshine the negatives. For me, it's just this one, glaring problem. If they were to clear up the audio/video dropout glitch, I would be very happy. I _am_ irritated at E* for a lot of other reasons (the fact that for a long time...
  2. drodenbo

    Can the 522 audio drops be fixed?

    Since I'm at work right now, I really can't do this. However, I've done it in the past, and my signal usually hovers in the mid to high 80's, sometimes wanders in to the 90's. I'd like to blame it on the black helicopters hovering over my house, but reality has to rear its ugly head from...
  3. drodenbo

    Can the 522 audio drops be fixed?

    I haven't seen the problem quite that severely, but I get a droupout on at least 60% - 70% of the shows I've recorded. Somtimes, I can rewind a bit and the dropout will not be there. Sometimes, it doesn't matter how many times I rewind - seems like the droupout is part of the recording (and yes...
  4. drodenbo

    Can the 522 audio drops be fixed?

    Nice (?) to know that I'm not the only one having this problem. I got my 522 off eBay a couple of months ago, got it activated through ceo@..., and have been very happy with it (much nicer than my 510 and 501 lease models), _except_ for the audio dropout issue. I assume E* is aware of it, yes...