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  1. gtinet

    Moto DSR-4530 UA Question

    My DSR-4530 for MLB-HD died. I took my spare off the shelf and installed it but it would not authorize. While I was trying to figure out the problem I noticed the UA barcode on the chassis, which is the one I gave to MLB, is different than the one listed in the Diag menu. Apparently, the one...
  2. gtinet

    FTA solution for my RV

    Hi wanderer189. Sounds like some good creative engineering. Thanks for the ideas!
  3. gtinet

    FTA solution for my RV

    I just got a call from Sadoun Satellite. She said they're sending me a 90cm dish instead of the 80 as a free upgrade. Not sure why but I'll take it. :up
  4. gtinet

    FTA solution for my RV

    All good points rv1pop. Your experience speaks volumes. Wish I had a chance to read your last reply before I ordered from Sadoun. You would have convinced me to go with at least a 36. I've got 10 weeks before my first trip, which should give me plenty of time to tinker before I leave. If...
  5. gtinet

    FTA solution for my RV

    I could always buy another Simulsat 5 and pull it on a trailer behind my fifth wheel.....:eek: Could you imagine the looks I would get?
  6. gtinet

    FTA solution for my RV

    I appreciate the great detail rv1pop. I like your thoughts and we're definitely on the same page. In situations where I have clear sight to the south I can bungee the plywood base to the shelf on the rear of my camper. If not, placing it on the ground with some water jug ballast will work...
  7. gtinet

    FTA solution for my RV

    I don't recall any of our Primestar installs requiring a switch but that was 15(?) years ago...Too many lost hairs and braincells. Thanks for all the feedback guys!
  8. gtinet

    FTA solution for my RV

    bruin95, freezy, rv1pop, Anole Thanks to all for your replies! In a previous life I had a Primestar dealership and then a Dish dealership so most of what you guys are saying makes perfect sense. I wish I had saved a Primestar dish or two.... We take one long trip (10 days) per year and...
  9. gtinet

    FTA solution for my RV

    Greetings and Happy New Year everyone! I'm looking for guidance/suggestions about an FTA solution for my fifth wheel. I like the reviews of the GeoSatPro DSR200 and, from what I can tell, the programming available on G19 would be more than enough. My concern is the dish. Can I squeak by with...