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  1. S

    722k Replacement Question

    Okay...apparently reading>you. Regardless, I did not post on here to envoke criticsm or forum flaming (which went out of "internet style" back when posting emoticons was considered cool). As far as my I am not an expert, and never claimed to be. I have done soldering on PC...
  2. S

    722k Replacement Question

    I also did not open the box...that's a big no-no. But I can not move the port by hand. But regardless, I am not really wondering how hard it is to reinstall a hdmi, I am just curious if this has happened to any other people, and what the outcome was. Again thanks in advance for responding.
  3. S

    722k Replacement Question

    I do have soldering experience, and I could easily desolder the port, and resolder a new one, in minutes, but I rent this box, so it is not my job to replace it. As far as damage goes...honestly I am not sure. We were broken into, and I believe when the perps ripped the flat screen, they ripped...
  4. S

    722k Replacement Question

    First of all let me apologize for what may be a redundant post and for making it my first post, but I am currently using the only means for internet right now which is my phone, and it makes searching a PITA. Anyways, my dilemma is I have a 722k that has a broken hdmi housing. It has not become...