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  1. S

    Free EA Upgrade just scheduled

    I scheduled the upgrade on Thursday...the CSR told me that it would be $15...then she told me there was a computer glitch, I don't have the service plan that it would actually be $ I told her to add the service plan and it dropped it down to $15 again
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    Platinum HD, I'm missing 5 channels

    Oh, and coincidentally, after browsing the new customer portal on, I was sad to see that we had five PPV certificates which expired way back in April?!? But that we had two more certificates ready to they're only good for movies which are $5.99 (which are HD PPV's) So...
  3. S

    Platinum HD, I'm missing 5 channels

    Ok so for the update. Dish billed me $15 for the shipping on my new 722, which arrived via UPS yesterday. I was offered the maintenance plan which would cost $6/month but the $15 for shipping would be waived, I declined at that time. So yesterday I initiated a chat with Tech support as I...
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    Free HBO/Showtime

    I've been paying full price for HBO/Cinemax/Starz/Showtime for 2 1/2 years, never offered any discount.
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    Platinum HD, I'm missing 5 channels

    @Ronalr Did they replace your dish? Or was it a receiver setting?
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    Platinum HD, I'm missing 5 channels

    After 45 excruciatingly boring minutes on chat, the rep tells me I have to be home so she can walk me through some troubleshooting with my receiver... she thinks that "I do not have the proper orbits"
  7. S

    HD for Life for Existing Customers - Few quick clarifications...

    Well you have to agree to a 2 year commitment in order to get HD for life, or pay them $99 up front, but if you want HD for life, a 2 year commitment is no big whoop.
  8. S

    HD for Life for Existing Customers - Few quick clarifications...

    I just signed up yesterday for HD for life. It knocks $10 off my bill, which means that if you add $6/month for the protection plan, you're STILL saving $4/month
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    Platinum HD, I'm missing 5 channels

    While on chat last night to have my new DVR shipped to me, the CSR did offer me DHPP, but I had no reason to take it. As a matter of fact, I opted for "HD for life" which cut $10 off my bill, so the add'l $6/month will be less than I was paying as of Sunday :up So in order to receive EA 72.7...
  10. S

    Platinum HD, I'm missing 5 channels

    I found this forum yesterday while researching Dish Network packages, as my primary 722 just died after two and 1/2 years. I read that back in February, Dish added several new HD channels, and that some people couldn't receive them. Apparently a dish upgrade was required but many people had to...